Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yesterday Tony and I spent the day in ZION'S NATIONAL PARK!  I took a zillion pictures and not one of them can show the majesty of it! It was incredible and beautiful!  There are tour shuttle's that drive you in and then let you off at all sorts of hiking places. We hiked several of them and figured we had walked 6 or 7 miles. I know that doesn't sound like much BUT when your in your 60's and over weight ...... it was a killer!  lol

The different patterns that nature had carved in the rock is mind boggling! The mere size of the rocks and the height of the mountains is amazing! I just wish EVERYONE could see it and realize the beauty that is here. We did meet people from all over the world. Florida, Pennsylvania, England, Scandinavian countries, Oriental countries, Canada ..... it was fun to see everyone who was there.

 The Virgin River runs through the canyon and over time has carved this magnificent work of art.
 Huge rocks hang over the paths. We were amazed at the size of them. It made for a very beautiful but ominous path to follow. I couldn't help but think ..."I sure hope that doesn't fall on me when I go under it" ..........

We were on a hike to the Emerald Pools and the pathway led to a space through the rocks. (below)  It was breathtaking!  You could look up and see the sky but it was over 25 feet above us!  Totally awesome!
 We made it to the 1st pool but we were both getting pretty wore out and my knees told me I couldn't make it to the next two! lol  There was water coming off the mountain here and we got a bit wet! It was a beautiful hike and I wish I'd been able to go more but my body wasn't having it.
 We wanted to go to the other side of the park which required driving through a 1.1 mile tunnel. It took around three years to build. An indredible feat in engineering!   This is a window in the tunnel (because there are NO LIGHTS!)  There were 4 windows made and this was taken from the outside. I wanted to take a picture looking out but no stopping in the tunnel is allowed!
 The rock on the other side of the tunnel is completely different.  It's not as rugged but flowing and smooth. The rocks on the top of this formation were called hoodoo's. It was a wonderful day and I took so many pictures! I will share them with whomever wants to see them.

We heard about the bombing in Boston when we were done with our day and our hearts go out to those whom were affected.

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