Tuesday, April 23, 2024


We went to bed a little late last night so we slept in till 8:30. I got up and got ready to go to 
I asked my friend Robin to go with me and yesterday, she said she would but today, she canceled at 9 o'clock. DARN IT!  
I picked up Joyce and then Lynn and off we went. We sat with Wanetta Anderson, who was the only one from our ward.....so far!

It was on FLOWERS this time and they had things decorated pretty. Had to get a picture of the ladies.  Shelly, Luva, Elizabeth and Diana showed up about time to start.  I neglected to get another picture!  What a case I am!

They had cups with celery, carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes with a little dressing in the bottom of the cup. It was cute!

The tables were decorated with pretty flower placemats and pastel planting cups (which we all got one when it was over)  Plus a packet of various flower seeds. 

I'll plant the seeds along with my marigolds  for my garden border, and see what I get. It will be interesting

Lunch was a little sparse .... lol  It was good but small. It was a ham and cheese slider. We were kinda expecting a nice dessert but there wasn't any served and they had started cleaning up the tables so I guess it wasn't in the plans. lol  I brought Wanetta and Joyce Glaettli home as well as Lynn and Joyce. 

Then Tony, Joyce and I went to the gym to walk. Lynn had a dentist appointment so she didn't go with us. 

Had to work off that slider. lol

Then it was time to mow our yards so we ate a few chip and cheese and Tony had a sandwich. Then he went to Joyce's and I mowed ours.
My Peonies are all getting buds on them!! YAY!! I love them all SO MUCH! 

The one above is white! The one to the side is pink but I'm still not sure if it's the one I dug up and gave to Alivia or if it's the new one I planted a year ago and it never came up!!

This one to the right is a deep red....almost a burgundy.  It's in a pot and does surprisingly  well. 
The little RED QUINTZ, in the back is so pretty. I hope it will grow bigger but I've had it in two years and it is still small.

As is the little PINK QUINTZ. 
Time will tell on these two cuties!

This one is starting to blossom pretty good now.
 There are still a lot of buds.

Whereas this one is fully bloomed and they are starting to wither up a bit. But they will fall off and more will come....just not as heavy!
Well, time to go to my RS Presidency meeting. Then hopefully, I'll have some time to work on my talk when I get home.

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