Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Tammy and the three youngest kids were over last week. After they left, we noticed the automan was sagging BIG TIME on one of the corners. I tried to fluff it up but to no avail. Tony turned it over and could hear something rattling around inside. We determined  the two boys were jumping from the coffee table onto the automan and broke it. Tony said he would tear it apart to see if it could be fixed.

So Tony got out his tools and started tearing it apart.

I stapled the thing pretty good when I recovered it years ago. lol
It took him awhile and he still didn't pull them all.

Sure enough, there was a piece of wood broken off 
on the sagging corner. 

Tony pushed the foam down as best he could to get the sagginess part to firm up, and then held the wood in place. He said, "I think this will work if we can get this piece of wood screwed back into place."

He used wood glue on the broken off wood and then he had me hold a long wooden broomstick up against it to hold it in place  while he screwed several screws into it. I sure hope it holds. Otherwise, we are going to take it apart and throw it out.
We did that yesterday and today, I will be stapling the fabric back in place and we'll see how it holds up. We got up early this morning and went to the gym. I had an eye appointment at 11:30 and we wanted to get things done before then. I have had stys in both eyes for a month now and it was actually feeling better but Tony wanted to get it checked out and make sure it's nothing more serious. So 1st we stopped at Walmart and bought some things for Lynn. She was having hemorrhoid problems.  Then we looked for a soap dish for the bathroom downstairs. Ended up getting a cheap one at the Dollar 25 store. lol  EVERYTHING is going up!!  Then to see the doctor. He said there is still swelling and irritation, mostly in my right eye. He said there was a little in the left.  SO, he recommended an eye covering that is heated in the microwave as  well as a prescription.   We had to go to COSTCO for the prescription for my eye and then Tony said......

   "Let's eat at Mickey Dee's. He had a coupon for a free burger. So I got chicken McNuggets' and he got the burger. 
               He said it was actually pretty good.

When we got home, we went out to the shed for the staple gun and my starts were getting up there pretty good. SO, I decided to get them in the garden. Had to enjoy my Basket of GOLD for a minute!

I planted the beans to the end of the row and then put in a few more down from the beets.

Some are under the dirt but will soon be popping their heads up. A few are showing.

Now I have peas on both side of the climbing fence.

The yard is looking good. The tree shows more signs of life every day! Soon it will be providing some nice shade.
I came in and worked on my talk. Tammy had sent me a text asking if I would pick up the kids and take them to activity days. We said yes but she didn't respond. Tony went to get them at 3:10 and no one answered the door. He tried getting in touch with Tammy but to no avail. He was on his way to the church to see if they were there when Tammy called him and said someone else picked them up. She apologized for not letting us know.  When he got home, we rested. I crocheted on my afagan and Tony worked on his computer while we watched some TV. At 9, I came up to shower while he took out the garbage. It's trash day tomorrow. I heated up the eye pack and laid on the bed with it on while Tony showered. It felt good. Now, he'll put the eye cream in my eye and off to bed we go. It's our Temple day tomorrow so need some rest. Tony will read while I close my eyes. Won't be able to see a thing when he put's the salve in.

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