Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Well, we woke up to a cold 35 degrees and wind. I'm glad I covered my plants (except for the peas) last night. We couldn't get anyone else to sign up for the orchard for today, so we went out again!
We dressed warm and we were sure glad we did. Although today was nice & sunny! Love the ray in this shot!

It was another good turnout so it went relatively fast again.

The tractor and planter's were finishing up the last row in this shot.

Today, I made Tony do the kneeling and tying the bottom and of the tree and I did the top. Yesterday, he just cut ribbon and
 I tied both top and bottom.
I simply could not squat today. Like I said, my thighs are in bad shape!! I was really feeling it today!!

We went through one and a half rolls of ribbon.

They are done planting so now it's just stomping and tying the trees up and there are a lot of people helping, so we are good!

We finished a row and then had to walk back to the porta potty. I caught Tony coming out.  If someone was there to take a picture of the latter event, it would have been hilarious! Tony tried to help me step up onto the step. My legs were hurting so bad, I could not find the strength to lift myself up. He started lifting my behind and we both started laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants. Finally, I made it. It would have been a very funny picture! lol

We finished a little after 11 again today. We planted 8500 trees on 7 acres of land. Counting the time the Wards helped it was probably around 8 hours total. Not bad! 
The Orchard People were very pleased!

We came home and I uncovered my garden plants until 8 this evening and then I went out and covered them again. Sure don't want them freezing. This was my Cherry tree a couple of weeks ago!

This is it today. The blossoms are almost all gone and the leaves are coming on. I love it either way but have to admit, I do prefer the blossoms. We rested for a while and then we went and got a pizza from SMOKEY MOUNTAIN. I was so tired and so Tony said he'd get one. We came home and watched TV, ate pizza and he did puzzles and I crocheted. Now its time for a hot shower, a massage and some Deep Heat!! We are bushed!

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