Tuesday, April 16, 2024


It's funny how your body feels when you use muscles you haven't used in a long while! We both gave each other a massage before going to bed last night and a rub down with deep heat. I slept good but I could sure feel the muscles in the back of my thighs when I got up this morning. I was limping around trying to make the bed and get dressed. lol I feel 100!!  We called Lynn and Joyce to see if they wanted to go walk. Lynn had a dentist appointment but Joyce wanted to go. We picked her up and off to the Rec Center we went. I walked my 2 miles and rode the elliptical for 7 miles. I felt better afterwards as it loosened up my muscles a bit.  We came home and I immediately went out to mow our yard. I ended up digging out a lot of dandelions and other weeds that were starting in the flowerbed and grass as well as the mowing. After I was done I cut down a lot of shoots that are starting around the cherry tree and the lilac tree. Then I watered my plants and the garden. 
The beans and peas are starting in my toilet paper rolls. It's supposed to get kinda cold tonight, tomorrow and Thursday nights so I will be covering my plants that are in the garden and bringing these in the house for the night. 

My Basket of Gold is so pretty!

The yard is looking pretty good. 

The little red Quintz is starting to bloom. It's small but will be pretty and will grow eventually. It was in Lynn's yard but wouldn't grow there because of electricity she has in her flower bed area. That's what she says. All I know is I'm the recipient of the two Quintz.


I bought the two I have because I oved hers but mine have grown substantially. As a matter of fact, they keep sending up new shoots and I really don't want them to take over the flower bed area so I keep cutting them back. 

The pots are growing nicely as well. I hope the tiger Lilies in front bloom good this year. I gave them a dose of potash last fall so we'll see what happens. Finger's crossed!

Tony cut off one of my daffodils when he was edging so I brought it in. I love these daffodils. So pretty!

I put it in a bowl and will enjoy it indoors for a while!

I came up to hem Tony's new pants and took a picture out the window. The Locust is finally starting to get leaves. Small so gar but it will fill in soon. I am so stiff and sore today. Will definitely be putting on the Deep Heat tonight!! lol Just hope I can move halfway decent in the Orchard tomorrow. 

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