Friday, April 19, 2024


Tony and I got up early this morning because we'll be going to bed early tonight. It was still only 33 degrees out so I decided to leave the coverings on my garden plants till we got home from the gym.  Don't want to kill them if I can help it!! lol  We took off to the gym. I saw Rena (my 90 year old friend) and she showed me all the pictures from her birthday that her family gave her. It was wonderful! Then we walked and enjoyed a good visit. Maria (my 80 year old friend) joined us for a few laps and then Rena and I finished at the same time. She went home and I went to the elliptical and rode 7 miles. Got in 9 miles with the 2 mile walk. We left and went by Chris & Tamara's to drop off some baptism cards and then on home.
I went out to uncover my plants. It's 60 degrees now so I'll let them get some vitamin D before I cover them again. Tony's going to get the sprinkler system going today so they'll get some water  as well. I think the beans are going to make it. Some look better than others but I've got more seedlings starting  so will be planting more of them soon as well as peas.

The Egg plant is doing great. ....So far!

The peas are thriving. They love this cool weather!

The squash  (well at least two of them) are coming along. Still not sure if it is the Winter squash or the Butternut that made it.  I know I only planted one Winter and there is one toilet paper roll that doesn't have a squash growing so it may be that one. 

The Locust is getting more leaves everyday. Soon it will be a lush green tree with some shade for the backyard.

The little RED Quintz is blossoming. 

The Hen & Chicks is getting bigger.

This coral Quintz is starting to open....

BUT, has a ways to go to catch up to this one!

The peas (mostly) are starting to sprout but I see a couple of beans as well. I want to put in the tomato plant but think it would be better next week and then I'll still have to watch it closely.

Got out my cute little boy. He's starting to fade a bit but he's just so cute since Bruce painted him for me! Wish they were still here. I'm sure if he was, he'd give him a fresh coat.

Tony is getting the sprinklers going and my grass and plants will be so happy to have a drink!

We have a couple that need attention. Will be making a trip to the store to get replacements. Maybe I can pick up my seed potatoes then. I want red ones!!  Also found out why my tomatoes are getting blossom rot. I need to get some bone meal and garden lime.  We went to LOWE'S and Tony wasn't happy with what he found or didn't find. I found what I needed but he said lets go to HOME DEPOT. So we drove over there. I found a smaller bag of what I wanted in a mix of the two, so I got that and when I found him, he said he couldn't believe they didn't have what he wanted.  He said lets go back to LOWE'S. I said I didn't think they had what he wanted and then he tells me they did but he thought he could get two to a package at HOME DEPOT and then couldn't. lol  He gets so frustrated. We went back to LOWE'S and he got what he needed. I came in and showered while he put in the heads. Now, I am ready for bed.  I'll go out and cover my plants just before bed. NOW, I'll relax a bit. It's been a busier day than I expected.

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