Friday, April 12, 2024


We went to the temple today with Kevin & Jan Poulsen. They are such a GREAT couple!!  Love spending time with them! We only did one endowment each as I had an appointment with the Sister Missionaries at 3:30 and we went to the 11 o'clock session.

We were out by noon or so but wanted to grab some lunch before calling it a day. I got a picture with them and Tony before we got to the car!

Then Tony took one of me with them! has been our Bishop and was the Elder's Quorum President before being called to be the High Counselman. Tony was his secretary in the Elder's Quorum and now he's the President. lol  Kevin is also our financial advisor.

I love this! It gives me so much hope!!
Had to get a picture of all the flowers at the entrance and so Kevin took one too. There was a young lady that was taking pictures for her photography class. What a great place to do it! We went to Chick Fil A for a quick lunch. They had never had the Market Fresh Salad so they tried it AND LOVED IT!!  Can't go wrong with it! We dropped them off at home and Tony went to the gym. I changed and headed over to meet the Sisters at a home on Ada. 

I wish I had a better memory for names but unfortunately, I don't. BUT, our one Sister was transferred to  Boise and we have a new Sister (on the left) from Tonga. She had a beautiful Plumeria flower in her hair. I told her how much I love Plumeria flowers!!  Unfortunately, the gentleman we were supposed to meet was not home. His wife or girlfriend was but she didn't ask us in so it was a short visit. I feel bad for them when that happens. I stopped at Lynn's on the way home and she gave me a tomato plant that she bought today. She said it's her favorite so got me one1 YAY!!

I came home and noticed my Cherry tree is losing it's pretty pink blossoms but the green leaves are replacing them. Pretty in a different way! The Viburnum is in full bloom and it smell delectable!! The daffodils are finally starting to open. They sure are stubborn little things! Takes them forever! lol

I went to the back yard to check on my plants. The beans are looking better (but I'll be planting more as soon as the starts get going) I was glad to see that they survived the bit of frost they got hit with beg=fore I got them in the garden. 

The peas look great and I'll be putting more of them in soon as well.

And the egg plant is looking great!
I watered them all as the irrigation has not been turned on as of yet!
This Quintz is pretty much in it's glory!! The thing I love about this bush is that it keep producing buds all summer.

This one is a bit slower but it's starting!

I am getting so frustrated with the dang squirrels!!  They keep digging holes in my pots to bury nuts (or are trying to find some they already buried) I am forever filling in holes in my pots!!

This Quintz is a deep red. It's small but hopefully it will take off           sooner or later.  I came in and listened to the two talks I am using for my lesson on Sunday. Then I took my shower as we will be going to bed early tonight. We have to be at the temple in the morning at 5:30 for our early morning prayer meeting. I will continue to work on my lesson till Tony gets home. It's been a great Day!

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