Saturday, May 18, 2024


We got up this morning at 4:30 and headed to our shift at the temple. Tony and I were Bride & Groom attendants. It was so fun. While I was in the Brides room with Madison and her mother, we visited while she dressed and I found out she knew Caden and Sophia. She said Sophia went to her 5th birthday party. It was fun to have a connection. I got to be in their sealing and it was beautiful. 

It was a gorgeous day as we left. I love my Temple Family so much. They are all so friendly and wave and call out goodbye, have a good week, see you next Saturday etc.  
We came home and changed our clothes. I got busy bagging my Caramel Corn. I got 6 bags. Then Brother Bugby came by with 40 potatoes for us to bake. I finished my laundry and baked the potatoes at 3:30. We put them in my Roaster oven and took off for the church at 5. We were going to pick up Lynn but she was shopping and told us she would come alone later.

We went to the Relief Society to check out the things donated for the Silent Auction. I loved this double bench chair with a table in the center. Brother Rice made it. 
It's so cool!!  I wanted it bad!!  lol
There were other items we bid on thinking other's would bid again. Just trying to get things started. 

The event wasn't attended very well. Our Ward has gotten smaller but there were a lot of people who we thought would be there but weren't.  BOO!~

Brother Logan Rice is such a GREAT Auctioneer.
 He's loud, fast and funny!!

His two children ( Indy and Piper) help him by taking the items auctioned off to the buyer. There were a lot of desserts auctioned off. My Caramel Corn sold for $30 something a bag. My cake went for $60 something.  Not bad! When it was all said and done, Tony and I spent $500 dollars. It goes to a good cause, helping the Youth of the church with their activities.

I bought a Christmas Quilt and a Valentine Quilt. They were done on a long arm quilter and I was thrilled to get them. Tony bought the two paintings by Sister Hollingsworth. I think we'll be giving them away as gifts because we have NO WALL ROOM any more! 

I bought a tatted book mark. I can't do that so I thought If I wanted one, I'd have to purchase it! 

I bought two loaves of Bishop Adamson's Cinnamon Bread and a jar of their Carmel Sauce.  

We bought two gift cards to the Kilted Cod and a certificate for a Dairy Queen Ice-creak cake. 

I was so happy to get it! It was such a fun
 evening and I feel like I scored!

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