Monday, May 20, 2024


We slept in till 8:30 this morning and then got up to do our yard work. We ate a slice of the delicious cinnamon bread we bought at the Fund Raiser for $41 dollars!!!   YES, it was worth it!!
Then outdoors we went. I mowed while Tony did the edging. He also dug up weeds in the berm in the back and I planted my Begonias in the 4 pots up front. Then we went to the garden and Tony had me mark the potatoes with nails and he used the weeded to scrape the weeds in the garden. Then we put up HEDWIG Senior and Hedwig Jr.  Then I planted the Marigolds that I had sprouted in the toilet paper rolls. They make a nice edging in the garden.

The yard is looking fabulous if I do say so!! lol


My peas are blooming and the beans, eggplant and beets are coming along nicely! Some of the potatoes are up too!

HEDWIG JR. in the berm 

The lilies under the Hen and her Chicks plant!

This plant is pretty (I got it from Lynn) but it spreads so much and looks ugly in the fall. I've got to cut it back again because it is overpowering the RED QUINTZ.

The Lupine has blossoms!!  YAY!!

The Pot of Gold is finished blooming and is now in it's ugly stage, until it gets it's sageing looking leaves. Then it will be OK again!

The IRIS are doing so good this year!!  SO much better than the measly ONE blossom I got last year!! 
Love that Potash stuff I bought!!

Lilies in the middle and a type of  Dianthuses on the sides.
Left PINK and Right RED!

The bush in front (which I thought was Heather but don't think it is) has purple blossoms starting now!

And ALL my Peony's are getting BUDS! The white one up front is about to open up. Oh how I love Peonies!!

I got my order today! I love the magnets as well as the wooden plaque.  It is our symbol instead of the cross. We believe in the "LIVING CHRIST"

After we checked our sprinklers, we ran to COSTCO and got some eggs. I was completely out. Then we ran through the car wash, came home and I fried up potatoes from the fun raiser on Saturday night and fried us each a couple of eggs. Now, to shower and get ready to go to the GRADUATION!
We made it!   We were looking for a seat and just so happened to see Chris Floyd and the kids. Tammy was on her way from work. Once she got there, she took this picture after the kids came in and Katie is right in the middle of this picture.
Alivia was the Salutatorian and she gave the 1st speech. She did a great job!

Here she is on the BIG screen! So proud of her!!

Anna took our picture as we sat waiting for things to get over. lol I was smart this time and brought my crocheting. I paid attention when it was necessary and crocheted the rest of the time. It made the time go so much faster. YAY!~

Alivia getting her diploma!

Heading down for her picture.

Katie getting her diploma!
Heading down for her picture!

Throwing their caps!
We went outside after the graduation in hopes to find the girls. It was so cold and we were freezing, waiting around to see if we'd run into the girls. Finally Tony said he had to pee and we needed to go. 

We were walking through the parking lot towards the car when Alivia jumped out of her car and we were able to get a picture with her. I was so glad. Wished we'd have gotten one with Katelynn but that's the breaks. We'll get one another day!

That darn headlight in the back isa pain but at least we got the picture. It was a nice graduation and with the crocheting, it went pretty fast. lol At least I had something to keep me busy!
It was a GREAT DAY!~

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