Friday, May 24, 2024


We got up and ready to VOTE & head to Kennewick. We did our voting, got gas and off we went to Baker City Oregon!!
Where we net up with Abby Munn for lunch! She is the cute little (and I mean little) return Missionary that works on our shift Saturday mornings at the temple. She either leaves at 3 in the morning to drive over or comes Friday night and stays with a relative so she can serve. We have adopted her as ours. She is just the sweetest! As we visited with her, we found out her mother knows Traci and has worked with her. (She's a nurse as well) SMALL WORLD!
We had a good lunch at THE LITTLE PIG restaurant in Baker and then said our goodbyes till Saturday.
 Off we went to finish our trip. When we arrived in Kennewick it was raining and it rained off and on the rest of the day and on Wednesday as well. 

When we got up Wednesday morning, the little girls were all ready to go to school. They are as different as night & day. Charlotte is active and energetic. Alice is petite and very feminine!!

I went out with them as the bus was coming to pick them up. (It hadn't started raining yet) but it was very windy and cool!

Off they go!!

She was excited to see us at the school for her program! She gave us a BIG WAVE as she entered!

They did three numbers that were adorable. The 1st about their back packs!  The 2nd about Pizza and the 3rd about their grandparents!

The one about their grandparents had sign language. 

The one about their pizza had them crying if there were onions on it. lol

Her  teacher took a picture of us after we got our school lunch!

There were so many there, we had a hard time fining a place to eat....but we finally did!

The next day, she gave us a Thank you card she made with our picture in it. It was a fun time with her and we all enjoyed seeing her perform.  It was a nice day. Once we were home again, I crocheted, we watched MASH with the boys and Curtis & Deedra in the evening and we had family prayer together.

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