Thursday, June 20, 2024


So happy to be back at our temple. WOW! Was it ever busy! Boise is closed now for a little over three months so we had a lot of patrons from the Boise Temple District! I can just imagine how swamped we are going to be on Saturdays! We decided to do two endowments each. When we finished, I left so I could take some photos.
Walking out to the pond in the back was beautiful! Roses galore on one side of the sidewalk.

Purple Heather and green bushes on the other.

I love the photo perfect spots on the Meridian Temple grounds! 
From the pond side....

To the entrance and front doors!

Seriously beautiful from every vantage point! After we all got to the car, we asked the ladies where they wanted to go for lunch. Joyce wanted a place with ice cream. We thought about Dairy Queen but Tony said he wanted THE HABIT and we'd go to
 COLD STONE CREAMERY after we ate. 

SO, we did just that. I had to use the rest room so told Tony to order me the Cesar Chicken Salad. When they brought it out, there was NO chicken on it, just croutons. I had to go back up and have them cook some chicken and put it on. SO, they were all nearly done eating when I finally got my salad. I had to ask for a lid and eat it in the car on the way to Cold Stone. 

Which was fine with me. It was worth the wait!

Lynn and Joyce shared a FOUNDER'S FAVORITE, Tony got his own and I got a smoothie. We came home, I changed my clothes and headed out to the yard to water my garden and pots of flowers. It was HOT!~ 90 degrees!! 

I know people will be sick of my lilies but I'm not and they just keep opening.  Soon, they will be done so I'm relishing every one of them on a daily basis cuz I can!  lol

And these that are planted in the ground are doing great too!

And my Hen and Chicks is about to spill outta the pot. Not sure if she will continue growing or decide to die because she needs space. Guess I'll see. I watered my garden and decided I'll have to go out tomorrow and do some weeding. I was cooking by the time I got back in the house. Now, it's time to fine tune my talk and rest. I'll read while Tony has his interviews tonight. He has 3!
IT WAS A GREAT DAY! It's Heather's birthday and my niece Amy had her baby girl last night. Good thing happening!

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