Friday, June 21, 2024


Last night, Tony and I decided to do our work in the morning while the weather was still bearable and not wait till after our workout at the gym. So, we got up, I made mini waffles and outside we went.
I went to the garden and weeded. I didn't find a lot but I figure if I stay on top of things, I'm much better off. I even weeded the raised garden bed. Looks good!

Tony stayed in the garage and replaced all the tires on his work wagon! He tried fixing the one that was flat and it wouldn't hold air so he bought 4 nematic tires. (They are tires that don't need air)

The last one!! The one he was looking for! lol

My boy and his wagon!! lol
Robin had called earlier, asking if we could come over and adjust her camera's on the back of her trailer.  She said it was picking up her neighbor too much and every time he went outdoors, it went off and it was running the battery down on her phone too quickly.

So Tony loaded up his tools and his 12 foot ladder and over we went. He would adjust and she would check on her phone till he got it in the location she wanted.

It took a few times up the ladder. lol Then there was one under her canopy off the front of her house that he had to take down and relocate. She was much appreciative.  We went home and mixed up some zip fizz and headed to the gym. We walked and did weights and I also rode the elliptical. Let me tell you, the pools at the center are looking awfully inviting the hotter the weather gets. lol After we finished, we went to get milk at Walmart then home for some warmed up leftovers. We watched some NCIS New Orleans and then took showers and then watched some more. Headed to bed now because we have to get up at 4am to be at the temple at 5:30 for prayer meeting. We are Veil Coordinators tomorrow and it's gonna be busy! Good Night. It was a good day!

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