Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Could not turn my mind off last night so I came downstairs and started reading my new book, THE SAVIOR IN KIRKLAND. Finally got tired around 1 or so and went to sleep. Got up this morning when Tony came down and asked if he was snoring too loud last night. lol NOPE, Just my problem. We went to the gyn and did our workout. When we got home, I fixed him 3 crepes and I cleaned up the kitchen. We had planned to go to TEXAS ROADHOUSE at 3 so I didn't want to ruin my appetite. After cleaning up the kitchen, I went upstairs to work on my talk for this coming Sunday and he went to his moms to go over some things.
I took a break after a bit and went out to check on the yard, garden and flowers. These beauties just keep opening more and more. 
LOVE, Love, love them!

The garden is doing GREAT! The border of flowers is coming along nicely! Just wish they would hurry up and bud out and get some color on the spot! lol  I went back in, cleaned up my face & hair and got ready to go to dinner with Tony. He's getting all his birthday specials so we planned to use the one for 
TEXAS ROADHOUSE today.  Hense, the reason I didn't eat any breakfast. lol Then I got back to working on my talk. Tony  got home around 2:45 and I was ready to go. We headed to eat. 

I saw this interesting buggy, car, cycle....not sure what to call it. lol  It had one tire in the back and two up front. Honestly, it was kinda cool!  Might be fun to take a ride in.  We went in and got seated immediately. I wanted salmon so Tony got the same. I got a baked sweet potato and he got mashed. I got a Cesar Salad and he got a regular with Blue Cheese. (GROSS)  lol  He loves it. Not me!! After we ate, we went to get a gallon of milk and then home. 

When we got home, we opened a package we got from AMAZON. It was a cover he ordered for our wooden bench. 

It fit really good. It will help to keep the sun off it as well as water etc. Hope it stays looking good year round. Now, time to work on my talk and get it fine tuned. Tony has a Ministering interview tonight at 7 and then maybe we can watch and episode or two of 
NCIS New Orleans.

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