Friday, June 14, 2024


We FINALLY got back to the gym today!! It's been a long 3 or 4 weeks!!  Just so busy and then our trip to Utah. I was so sore from the weeding in the garden but I managed to walk 2 miles, and I did some light weights and then 6 miles on the elliptical. I was hoping to walk with my 90 year old friend, Rena, but she wasn't there. I saw Livie getting ready to play Pickleball so she and I visited and I got a selfie picture with her!

She's such a good girl. I watched her play till Tony finished and then we were off to Walmart.

We were walking into Walmart and our friend Carol was just leaving. She has been AOL at the gym for 6 months now. She has had problems walking and for a while, her husband had to carry her, then she was on crutches for a long time and she uses a walker at home or the crutches because she is still not 100%.  She can walk with the cart at the store but she is still not ready to return to the gym. I have missed her a lot so it was wonderful to see her. Then she told me Rena had a heart attack and has been out for 3 weeks. That's about the time we have missed at the gym. No wonder I didn't see her! I tried calling her but had to leave a message. Carol  did say she is improving and had to get a stint put in. Hope I can visit with her tomorrow and give her my love.

We went to a couple of Walmart's to find what we were looking for and then went home. I watered my plants and my garden. My Begonia's are at least leafing out. No buds yet but hopefully soon.

I've got 5 pots of them coming a long. These up front are doing better than the one in the back but I may have got it buried too deep. 

Well the top one isn't up very good either but it is starting. I went over to Jarrett's to take care of Katy Kat and clean her liter box and the Jarrett's got home around 4:30 this afternoon. They already booked me for next May! lol They made arrangements to go on a cruise! I'm on the calendar for Katy Kat duty again! 

When I came back, I got a picture of the berm in the front. The Day Lilies are all in bloom! I really like lilies!! I have a ton of them. The Tiger Lilies in the back aren't doing anything yet but I hope they will eventually! I went to Lynn's to give her a copy of the General Conference talk that she agreed to give in RS on the 23rd. Then I drove to Robin's to visit with her. She didn't answer her door and so I called her and still no answer. I left a message and told her I was out front. Still no answer so I went home. She called me just as I was pulling into my driveway. She had been sleeping so I told her I'd come over tomorrow.  I finished my Michael Vey book (number 9)  and now I have to wait for 10 to come out. I'm planning a Father's Day dinner for Sunday. I have Scott & Family and Melissa and family coming as well as Lynn and Joyce. Tammy and Chris are camping in Sun Valley.  Well, off to bed. I'm tired but I have fresh clean sheets to crawl into as I washed them today! YAY! lol

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