Saturday, June 15, 2024


We got up this morning and I made us some eggs, fried potatoes and bacon. Tony had a Ministering interview at 9am at our kitchen table so I cleaned up the kitchen and headed out to the yard to weed the garden AGAIN! I just can't believe how quickly those dang weeds grow! I picked them till I heard his interview leave. I went inside and started the dishes. Tony went out to the garage and put the shellack spray on the new bench we bought at the fundraiser.
He had stained it more than it was stained when we bought it.

And used three cans of finish spray on it. Man, I went out to the garage and couldn't hardly breathe. I told him he needed to be careful so he opened the garage more.

I'm really happy with it and look forward to using it tomorrow at our Father's Day party.

Then we went out to clean the patio. I took all the chairs off the patio and set them on the lawn. Then I left to go visit Robin. After all, only one of us can operate the power washer.  I had a good visit with Robin but only stayed an hour.  I came home and helped clean. I washed the fake plant that sits on the picnic table.

Then I took a picture of my lilies. They are gonna be opening any day now. I see pink, orange and yellow. YIPPEE!~

I think my garden looks great! Can't wait for the border to start blooming! I watered and then went into start making my strawberry compote for the cheesecake. Then I made cheesecake  bars as well. We sat down in front of the TV to eat pizza and watch a little something. I set my timer on the oven and told Tony to help me hear the timer go off in 30 minutes. WELL, we forgot and they got done a little more than I wanted.   DARN!~

Hopefully, the compote will cover up the overly done crust! lol It looked creamy when I started cooking it.

But it turned clear after it got good and hot. It tasted delicious.  I told Tony we'll have to have crepes next week!  lol

We got the bench moved back to the patio and it looks great! It will be awesome for our block party this summer as well!

Now, I'm crocheting and relaxing. Gonna go clean up and get the pork roasts ready for tomorrow. We decided to do Kalua Pork. It always turns out! lol

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