Monday, June 17, 2024


We got up and went to the gyn and did our walk, weights and I did the elliptical as well. We saw Melissa and Livie there. Melissa said she had my cake pan and my shampoo in her car. I told her we'd stop by after we went to Walmart and pick it up. We did just that after Tony finished his workout. We have been looking for the Kozy Shack pudding in the 12 packs and wouldn't you know it, they haven't had it for a while!!  I just get a delicious addiction and they stop selling it that way!! Grrrrr! 
We came home and I went out to check out my lilies!

It's rather windy and cold today so Tony said they probably wouldn't open!  lol   WRONG!~ There are 4 more open today! A yellow and three orange! AND more to come!  Love them!

These lilies are opening up pretty well too! I came in and started preparing "Chicken Salad" for a family I am taking a meal to. They have a family member on hospice and he is not expected to live long.

Tony went out to trim the lilac tree. When I went out to check on him, it was rather warm and the sun was shining.

I came in and put the lunch together. Rolls. chips, salad and a dessert. Then I was going to do some weeding in the garden!

I went out and the wind had come up again and it was sprinkling. I decided to NOT WEED today! lol I did get a picture of my little Marigold that is growing outside of the raised garden bed! Where there's a will, there's a way!! Good lesson from a little flower seed!

My egg plant is blossoming, so soon I'll have pretty purple fruit growing. I just wonder how many! So far, I see three.

One potato plant has blossoms as well so those little taters will be growing underneath the soil soon! 

Then I decided to come in again. The wind was getting harder and it's dang cold today!! A good day to be inside. I warmed up Kalua Pork and creamed peas and red potatoes for lunch.
Tony trimmed my Snow Bound Spuria as well. It was dead in between the two plants so maybe now it will fill in. He came in and we ate lunch. I got a call from Robin saying she was home from the dentist, so we headed over after we finished eating.
She has outdoor cameras and she wanted one more mounted so she could see better under her car port. 

Tony had mounted it at the other end of the carport but there was too much light so she asked him to mount it on this end. He did and it worked much better.
Then we went in and he helped her fix the sheers that her cat had pulled down. He had to bend the rod so it would stay on the attachment that was on the wall. He didn't need a ladder at all so I was glad he was there to help. Once done, we came home to rest.
 I need to get things ready for next weeks Silver Sweethearts. It's going to be a Country Fair and they want people to bring things that they made and would enter in a fair. 
I'm bringing some homemade cards.
I'm also bringing some jewelry, and an Afghan. 

Not sure if I'll get this one done in time but i have 3 others I've made so I'll bring one of the three. 
BUT for now, I'm gonna kick back and watch some 
It's been a good day.

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