Tuesday, June 18, 2024


It was our yard day so Tony and I got up and dressed for the gym. We were just walking today, so we knew we'd get home in plenty of time to do our lawns. I was going to walk out on the path around the Rec. Center today and started to. I got a 3rd of the way around, and the darn sprinklers went on and one was pointed right at me. I got wet and decided I wasn't going to fight them, so I went inside to finish. lol I walked my two miles and got on the elliptical and did 5 miles while Tony finished walking his four.  When we got home, I made crepes so we could use up the strawberry compote I'd made for the cheesecake. It was good. Then we went out to get started.
I got the front yard mowed and weeded and then headed to the back. The lilies are so pretty  and there are a lot more to open yet. 

I don't remember what this plant is named, but it has the tall sprigs of the tiniest little pink flower. 

It's leaves are a pretty sage green but will turn golden as the summer goes on. Then the pretty sprigs will dry up and I'll cut them off. BUT, for now I will enjoy those petite little flowers.

My Lupine sure hasn't produced like it did last year. The one flower left is kinda sick looking . I hope it will decide to shoot out some more flowers this year.  Time will tell!

After mowing the back yard, I picked what was left of the peas and then I tore out the plants. It's just getting too warm for peas.  There are beets and cilantro that were getting too much shade from the pea vines so hopefully now they will explode. Again, we'll see!

I cut down my MARA  plant because it was getting too stringy. It will fill in and soon be beautiful flowers again. Sometimes we need to be cut back to improve. 

Tony and I were relaxed and watching TV when the doorbell rang. Tony answered the door  and a gentleman said he and his wife walk the path behind our house all the time. Today he and his wife noticed a bunch of graffiti on ours and Patrick's fences.  

Tony went out and took pictures, then came in and called the cops.

The dispatch gal told Tony he needed to file an online report.

He tried and couldn't figure it out so he called Patrick. He hadn't heard about it but said he would fill out the report.

Not sure what the graffiti means but we will be taking it off tomorrow. This happened to us years ago and we were told to get it off asap. Dang gangs!! Always causing so much trouble!

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