Saturday, June 1, 2024


I love Saturdays and the opportunity I have to serve my Savior and the patrons who come to the temple. I was fortunate today to be a Bride Attendant. Tony got the Groom and it was so fun! Such a cute couple. They met on line, both are school teachers and they were totally awesome! We met up from at 9:30. They got to the temple a little early and that is always a plus. The Browns had a couple at the same time and they said they would make us a wager (jokingly) that whoever's couple arrived 1st, then the other couple would have to buy lunch. lol Theirs arrived 1st! However, ours was only a few minutes behind them. The brides got ready and then we took them to the Celestial room to await the Veil Ceremony. Then we both checked with the sealers. Brown wedding had only 15 guests and mine had 70. After going to get our Bride & Groom, we took them up to the Sealing Rooms. Brother Jemmet was my kids sealer. He visited with them for about 8 minutes and then he had me escort them into Room one, the BIG ONE! The ceremony was beautiful and after it, the kids exchanged rings and the families all walked by them and hugged them. Then I took them down to change out of  their ceremonial robes and told Casey where to meet his bride. Then she and her mother followed me to the Brides room again. She put on her wedding dress (which was gorgeous)  and primped a little and then I took them to the exit where their party met them. They were just the nicest couple. They both hugged me and told me how much they enjoyed having me there with them. It made my day!!

Tony had done Initiatory while I was busy the extra hour with the couple. I made it out to the car and he was shortly behind me! 

I love all the red roses that are all over the temple grounds. There are so many and they are beautiful! We stopped by Shelly's house and I picked up 2 pictures of the Savior that she gave me. Then we came home and I fixed clam chowder for lunch. Then Tony got busy on the signs for the orchard.

He brought them to me and I touched up (with white paint) where the black bled through. Then he sprayed two of them with an varnish but it made the paint bubble so he quit. We decided to go to the orchard and place them on our rows and he'll fix them when the season is over with.

We headed out and while he placed the 4 signs at the beginning and end of our two rows, I thinned one tree as best I could.  

I did this one but I couldn't reach the top. Then we headed back so we could mow the lawns.  We are leaving Monday for Utah and it is supposed to rain so it was today or bail it when we get home in 8 or 9 days. lol Decided it had to be today!

I did our yard and he went over to Aunt Joyce's across the street.

I was working on the back yard when Sister Slover stopped by and asked if I wanted to ride with her tonight to the women's conference. I told her it was Stake Conference and it was for men and women. She said she had been telling everyone it was a women's conference. LOL   I told her we were picking up Tony's mom and aunt but we'd see them there. Then she said she was going to the bowling alley because her husband was there and maybe they would be at Conference. Guess we'll see. Time to clean up and get ready. Tony will be home shortly and we'll pick the ladies up in 1/2 hour. I will get my laundry done when I get home this evening and start packing.
It's been a good productive day.

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