Wednesday, July 31, 2024


  Yesterday, I was all primed to get my infusion. I was to be there at 9:45. I got up and got ready. Packed a book, some crackers and peanut butter, a drink, and I was on my way. I got to St Luke's Infusion Center, checked in, weighed, brought to my little cubicle (which was #8 and it has a big window with a view of a grassy area. Love this one!! I've only had it once before so I was excited. They came in and put the bracelet on me, and started asking the routine, birthdate, then the one that killed my day..."do you have any upcoming procedures or surgery's?"   Well, I'm having a root canal redone on Wednesday but nothing else!!   Well, that did it. She said she had to call my kidney doctor to see if it would be OK to go ahead with the infusion.  SO GLAD I HAD A BOOK!!  I read for a good hour when she finally came in and told me I had to get the root canal done, heal and re-schedule in 2 weeks. CRAP!!  
So, home I came. Tony was almost done with our yard (MOWING), he had already done Joyce's.   So I came in and started a Corn, zucchini chowder for lunch/supper. When he finished, he came in and changed and went to his dentist appointment. When he got home, we went to the gym and did our BIG day of walk, weights and elliptical. We came home and discussed "Come Follow Up' which we both watched on Sunday evening and then re-listened to on our ear buds at the gym. It was so so good! All bout addictions and it was seriously FABULOUS!!  We ate and relaxed the remainder of the day. We are watching a Hallmark series called "Signed Sealed & Delivered".  It is so good! SO GOOD that we bought it off AMAZON.  It's hard to find good movies these days so when we do, we binge it!  lol
We got to the gym early today and I got to walk with my 90 year old friend, Rena. It's always fun to slow down and walk with her and catch up.  We only walked 3 laps together because she isn't supposed to over do it because of her recent heart attack. When she finished, she went downstairs to ride a recumbent bike till her husband finished in the weight room. I finished my 2 miles and then went down to the elliptical bike. Melissa and Livie were playing Pickleball and then came to ride a bike while waiting for another match to begin. Melissa wanted me to take a picture of her and Livie.

She said she has gained 10 pounds but she is working on gaining muscle and it's heavier than fat so she's in OK shape. I sure can't tell she's 10 pounds heavier. Mines all fat and it sure don't look like this! 
After dropping off Lynn and Joyce, I took a picture of the front yard. Our lawn is looking really good. Tony's been having the zones come on twice a day in this extreme heat and it has sure helped!

FINALLY, I have a couple of Begonias blooming!!

The heat has been hard on the leaves but at least they are surviving. 

The backyard looks good too. We have been discussing WHEN we will have our Block Party. We are thinking maybe the 1st of September so the heat and the smoke will hopefully be over with!  We'll see what happens!

The garden is thriving!! Everything has grown together so it is full!

The squash is taking over every where!!

Have Squash will travel!! lol  It has grown behind the raised garden, into the potatoes, and into the flowers! It is practically taking over the garden.
It's in the front of the raised garden bed as well and it will soon be growing behind the shed!!


BUT, the good thing is that it's growing so I won't complain. Besides, I can't see the weeds anymore except in the very front of the flowers, so there's that! lol
My Marigolds are finally blooming some. Not as much as in past years so maybe the seeds are getting too old! I think I'll dump them and keep the seeds from this years crop of them. 
Besides, the really tall one in the center must have been a seed from years ago when I bought starts at Lowes and when they grew, they were all super tall and I DON"T LIKE THEM TALL. Evidently, I had seeds from them because it is the only only that is tall! Another good reason to throw out my seeds!

This one (wished I knew the name) is pretty but it would probably do better planted in the ground instead of a pot because the bottom of it always gets brown and ugly. But I do love the pink flowers!

Well, I just got called to go with Johanna to visit Chabuca Bishop and Lanu Montez so I'll finish this later.

Got home from the visits. We were only able to see the Montez family. Chabuca said she would be able to visit Thursday evening. (Not sure why she said.... ANYTIME.  lol Anyway, Johanna dropped me off back home. I made Tony and I leftovers for dinner and we relaxed the remainder of the evening. I had to show off my Mara Plant. It has come back beautifully since I chopped it back.
And my Hydrangeas are looking better all the time.  I shouldn't complain just because they don't look like the full heads I see on other plants. They are still gorgeous! 
I didn't get this finished yesterday, so today it is!! We got up and headed to the gym. It was our BIG workout day but I told Tony we had to be done by 11:30 so I'd have time to get ready for my dental appointment. We were able to do so and even had time to stop at the church on the way home so we could check out the RS closet and make sure we had sufficient supplies for the Ward BBQ this coming Saturday. We got home, I cleaned up and headed to the Endodontist. I have to admit I was a bit scared. I mean seriously, who loves going to the dentist??  I filled out a bunch of paperwork and then the physician's assistant came and got me and took some xrays. The endodontist (Adam Shipp) came in and tapped on my teeth to make sure he had the correct one. He said it should only take about 45 minutes. Honestly, he was fabulous!!  He numbed my gums with a liquid gel on a Q tip and once I was numb, he made sure by putting something really cold on the tooth. I didn't feel a thing. But my tongue went to the tooth after and it was definitely cold! He shot me up three times and he was so good, I didn't feel a thing.  He explained what to expect each step of the way and sure enough, about 45 minutes later, I was done. I guess I have to go back to my dentist in 4 weeks to have a permanent filling or crown or whatever on it but he fixed it. YAY!!  Now I can call and schedule my infusion tomorrow. I came home, went over to Joyce's and cut her hair and then came home and made Taco's!  Now to take it easy the rest of the day and let the numbness wear off!

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