Saturday, July 27, 2024


Saturday, I decided to try and dung out my craft room. It is such a disaster, I haven't had space to work on anything in there. 

I started by going through my stamp containers and I am donating a bunch (I don't ever use) to the church card making box. I have to teach a class in September, and they have set up a box outside the RS room where sisters can put items for making cards.  Well, I'm doing it!! If they don't use them, they will go to DI later.

Got this side done and it may still look ridiculously full, BUT, believe me, it looks way better than it did and I have a little counter top to work on! lol

The left side of the room was disgusting as well! I ended up moving some tubs from the right to the left and combining a few things and I labeled them all! I love my labeler!!

And again, I have made some room (very little) but SOME !!
I have been at it for a few hours and my back is killing me. I decided to quit for the day!!
I have all this to rifle through tomorrow after church and dinner. It's a pile of things I need to shred. I filled two boxes of things I got rid of for the DI and one to take to church for the craft box. 
We served in the temple this morning and I was a Bride Attendant to the prettiest little girl named Hadley. She was a delight! I enjoyed every minute! I was so happy to be in her Sealing and I learned things that I was not aware of. It was awesome!! The sealer was brilliant and such a good speaker. I loved it!!  It was a great day!

I finished working , I mean cleaning, in my craft room. I actually have space to work on now!! YAY!~ NOW, to organize the card making night and get notes done so I can teach a few methods of card making!

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