Wednesday, July 10, 2024


We  used today as our temple day  as tomorrow I feed the shelter.  We went to the 10am endowment session and then did 2 hours of sealings. It was a great day! In the past week with the help of Chris and Anna and Deedra, Curtis and friends, we got 210 ordinances done!! Pretty great!!

It was a good 105 when we left to come home!! On the way home the car registered 111 at one point but then would drop to 109 and then back up. Depends on how much black top I guess! None the less, it was hotter than a firecracker!! We stopped at Subway and got a sandwich. 2 footlongs and then we came back to our house and Lynn and Joyce split one and Tony and I split one. Joyce had root beer, I had chips and watermelon so we had a nice lunch. I was supposed to meet with the Sister Missionaries at 4, but the guy they were teaching canceled. That was a good thing because I still needed to buy the groceries for tomorrows luncheon.

After the ladies left, Tony and I went to buy the lettuce, cheese, onion, hamburger, Doritos, beans and corn, salsa and taco seasonings. When we got out to the car, there were 4 carts left right beside our car. The darn parking rack was directly across from us!! GRRRRRR, People are so lazy!! Then one of the carts was FULL of trash! I'm sure someone cleaned out their car and left it all in the cart.

Tony cleaned out the cart and put the trash in a garbage can while I took all the carts and put them in the cart rack!!
 Then we came home, cut up a watermelon for tomorrow, and Tony took what needed to be refrigerated over to Joyce's because she has a fridge in her basement which isn't used. I needed the space! So grateful for that!!
 Then I got a call from Robin. She was stressed, hot and having anxiety.....wanted me to come over and sit with her. I told her I had to go pick up some cookies from Sister Jenkins and we were having a Relief Society meeting at 6:30 but I would try and come before or after. Then Jenni called me and said she was going to Robin's to put in an upright air conditioner in her house and our meeting was canceled. YAY again!!  I then left for Donna's house to pick up her cookies, (she's 94 and getting very feeble) anyway, I got them and then her front door wouldn't shut. I told her I'd go get Tony.  We went back and Tony discovered her bracket on the bottom was pulled away from the door jam. He ran home again and got his power tools and some longer screws and fixed her door. She was very appreciative. When we got home, I went in and got my keys and then I left for Robin's. I went to McDonalds and bought us each a cold coke and then got to her house about 6PM. She just needed someone to sit with her so I did till 8:30 and then I told her I needed to get home to bake my cookies and do some prep on the food for tomorrow. I came home and baked my cookies (luckily, they were already made and frozen) I had taken them out before going to her house so that was a breeze. Then I opened all the cans of beans and corn and rinsed them and put them in a container in the fridge. Then I cut up a red onion and did the same. Then I crushed the Doritos. I'll cut the tomatoes in the morning and do the lettuce at the shelter. I'll cook the hamburger at the shelter as well. I'll be so glad when this is over with!! It's been a long HOT day!!

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