Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Tony and I got up and headed to the gym. We just walked today and of course I did the elliptical. I was so excited to see my friend Rena! She had a heart attack a month and a half ago, and today is her 1st day back to the gym. She can only walk a mile with a sit down & rest for a while and then she finishes. I was just so happy to see her and to know she is doing well. After she left, I finished on the elliptical. Then Tony and I came home, got the pudding we bought yesterday and returned it and got another one because one was not sealed and we didn't want to chance it. We came home and I cleaned up for my doctor appointment.  I also wrote another letter to my mom. I'd got a call from Alexandra and she told me that a doctor checked out Mom and she had a nasty UTI. She said since she has been on antibiotics, she is 100% happier and much better. She is sleeping at night again and is as sweet as she ever was. SO, I feel so much better now. She wasn't snubbing me at all, she was out of it, because she was in pain. Alexandra said she has been saying: "Laverne should be here any day now"  then she had to tell her I had already been. So I got another letter written. We then took off for my kidney appointment.  Dr. Keller said I am doing really good
BUT he wants me to continue with the infusions for a while. I have one on the 29th and it will be 1000 milligram's  but the next one in January of 2025 will be 500 milligram's.  He said since I only have one functioning kidney, he wants to keep me in remission. He said IF I go off the Retuxin and crash again, I would most definitely have to go on dialysis. Tony and I most definitely want that to happen so we said the infusion is a small price to pay. I'll stay on it forever if it keeps me from that!!

We came home and I made us a salad with fried chicken. The dressing was a bit spicy but it was really delicious!!  We then finished off Tony's ice-cream birthday cake. 

I went out to check my yard. Afterall, it is 105* today  and it is miserable outside. We decided to stay inside ..... that is until Jenni called me and asked if I could meet her to help unload a food order. Tony went with me so we could get it done quicker.  

Jenni had this at the front of her house!!  I LOVED IT!! I took a picture and told Tony HE HAS TO BUILD ME ON!! lol I'll paint it and put the stars on....we'll see how quick it gets done.

Got a picture of Lincoln today. He is so stinkin cute! I hope to see him soon and be able to hold him again!

Well, I guess Sophia is off to Medical School! Wish I'd been able to see her before she left.  Her siblings and her mother are going to miss her so much. We are all so proud of her. She is a smart talented young lady and will be an awesome doctor!!

Isabel is moving back home to live with her Mom. She will miss Sophia a lot!
These two are BEST FRIENDS!!
I finished off the day by mod podging Tony's puzzle again. He will have to build a frame now. We did go to Hobby Lobby after my doctor appointment to look at matts for my diamond painting. We are going to have to bring it in and they will cut it and also put a backing on it. It sounded like a reasonable price.

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