Thursday, July 11, 2024


Today was the Salvation Army Luncheon. I got up and got ready and then started to prepare the vegetables. I cut all the heads of lettuce  and then the cherry tomatoes. It took a while to get it all chopped and put into containers. Then I had Tony go to Joyce's to get the burger and the watermelon chunks. While he was doing that, I loaded the car with the food and then headed to the shelter.  After signing in, a gentleman helped me make a few trips into the kitchen with my food. I had to do a little cleaning before I got started. The countertops still had food from breakfast on them and so I had to do some wipe down. I put the lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream, beans, corn and onions in the big fridge to keep safe until it was time to throw it all together. Then I got busy frying the burger.

I was glad I brought my burger chopper but I did discover they had a couple there....BUT I'm glad I was prepared.  I had several people who were in the eating area, come to the kitchen door and ask what was being served. They were all excited to hear it was Taco Salad.  

I'm glad I got things prepared at home before coming. I feel a lot safer in my own kitchen.

I got a couple of deep metal containers ready to put the salad in.  When Shelly and Debbie showed up, we got all the food out of the fridge and I put Shelly in charge of putting it together. She was so good and fast, throwing it all together in the 2 metal containers. Then I went out to the dining area, and  told them we were ready to start serving. I blessed the food and then I opened up the big window to the kitchen. We served watermelon chunks, taco salad and cookies. EVERYONE was so kind and grateful and very complementary. Some said it was so nice to have something so refreshing, and all of them said it was delicious. Only one man said he couldn't have burger but he wanted chicken. SORRY!  So, he was the only one who had watermelon and cookies and that was it. lol  

It's very satisfying to have them appreciate what we did. The funny thing is that several of them had 2nds, thirds and one guy came back FIVE times!! LOL  Their was one guy who told me at the beginning that it would be great if we would serve the salad in one of those taco shells that is formed like a dish. I explained to him that we have a budget but I would check into it. lol He came back 4 times and then asked if he could take a plate of it home. lol There was none left at that point.  I think he liked it just fine, even without the taco dish. I was so grateful for all the sisters who made cookies and to these two sisters who helped me serve. Debbie had to bring her little grandson (which they prefer us not to bring kids) but he was told he could serve the cookies, which he did. He was adorable.  It was a very SUCCESSFUL LUNCHEON!~
I got home and rested for about five minutes and then Tony and I headed to the Electricians Luncheon at THE CITY BUFFET. I really wanted taco salad so I am making it Sunday for dinner before Curtis & Deedra leave to go home. lol  

When we got home, I checked to see how my yard was doing in this heat! I gave my lilies a drink. 

Some are dying (or I should say drying up.)

But they are beautiful for sure!! And when these are gone, my Tiger Lilies will be blooming. I've been blessed to have them all blooming at different times so I can continue to enjoy them!

I seriously need to do some weeding in thee garden but it is so dang HOT out there, I'm avoiding it. BUT, look at the squash!! It is going all over the garden. It's making it's way into the potatoes as well. lol I think things will be OK. 

This is the "Sweet Potato"   It is so different than the regular potatoes. I am really intrigued by the different shape of the leaves. It almost looks like an ivy!!  Ignore the weeks. They will be gone soon,  I HOPE!~

When we got home and after I watered my plants, we picked up Joyce and Lynn and went to the rec center to walk and ride the elliptical. We got it done and we came home and I started working on my lesson again. I think I'm getting it nailed down but I will be extremely grateful to get it done. It's been such a busy week and I hope to get a little bit of a break next week. 

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