Friday, July 19, 2024


Last night before bed, I remembered that I was asked to do a write up for the Ward History page, about the Salvation Army Luncheon which was on the 11th. I sat down to the computer and went to the appropriate page in the Church app on my computer. It took me a couple of tries to get it done right but was able to do it. Picture and all. Shelly Hughes is the Ward Historian so she will have to approve it and then it's a go.  I was also told in our Relief Society meeting on Wednesday night, that it was my turn to write the Presidency message for the August newsletter. I started it but didn't get it finished before it was time to read scriptures. 

We got up at 7:30 this morning so we could hit the yard work before the heat gets unbearable....and it will! It was 69 when we finished eating a muffin and a protein drink. Tony went to Joyce's yard and I went to ours. The weeds in the garden were getting out of control and I needed to pull them again. On the way out, I took a picture of my Lupine flower. It's so much prettier this year and stands tall.  I love it. More blossoms to open soon!

I am proud of the garden. I did it all by myself this year and I think it looks pretty good. Although, I am surprised that the Marigolds haven't blossomed very much yet. Usually it is a row of orange & yellow but I have very few open flowers so far this year, BUT, all the potatoes (including the sweet potato) are doing great and all are blossoming. The squash is starting to make it's way behind the raised garden and also up the fence. It is even coming over into the potatoes. So far, they don't seem to mind the intrusion. lol I will admit, the raised garden looks a little sick right now with only beets in it but it did produce peas and beans already.
All in all, it's doing well.

After weeding, I watered by hand and hit all my pots. The Tiger Lily has more flowers on it than I have ever had. It's so pretty!

My "Mara" plant that I cut back CONSIDERABLY is starting to bloom again!! SHWEET!
As I was finishing up in the yard, I got a call from Chris. He nearly electrocuted himself!!  Well, in fact he did!!  He even had an out of body experience where he could see himself holding onto the plyers and the wire but it was as if it wasn't from where he was. After he related the whole story to me, I told him that I was so thankful I put his name on the prayer roll yesterday! He even admitted that it probably helped!! (NO PROBABLY ABOUT IT)   After he told Tony about it, Tony said, "You had a guardian Angel Chris"  I am so grateful for the power of prayer. From what he told us, he should have been seriously injured or dead!!  It was scary! He said he has a whole new respect for electricity now. 
Tony went back to work and I came home and went up to the computer and finished my message for the newsletter. So so glad to get those both done and out of my hair. NOW, I can concentrate on the September Relief Society night. I'm going to be teaching them to make cards and I have to get a lot of things together and ready. I also need to make a list of items the Sister's can bring from home that will help in the process.  Always something! lol

At 4PM, we picked up Shawn and Suzette and took them to APPLEBEE'S for dinner. Shawn had come over last week and did a lot of work on our laptops and got them cleaned up and I felt like we owed him.

We got the two for $26 and we got FULL!~
Probably not full enough because after dinner, we came back to our house and had an ice-cream cone. lol

Then we played a round of GOLF! 

We sure enjoy their company. It was a fun way to end the day and now we are off to bed. Gotta get up early for our Temple shift. I found out that Jack came through his bypass surgery well. He ended up having stints in three arteries instead of four. Thank heaven! He is out for the night so Donna and family will go up tomorrow when he is awake! God Bless him!!

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