Sunday, July 21, 2024


Had a LOVELY day at the temple this morning. Lubov was right on time for us to leave at 5:10am. She is so committed to coming and I love that she stays our entire shift to do ordinances. 
She wanted a picture out by the pond and I couldn't get my phone to turn on. When Shawn did all the precautions on our computers, Tony and he said I needed the finger print on my phone again. 
Did I say hate??  lol  Well, I had to take the picture with Lubov's phone and it turned out rather dark.   

She even went over the flower garden and stood on the ledge right by the water. I told her  "Don't slip and fall in!! lol  She loves to have her picture taken. I just wish this had been a  little brighter. We stopped at the Meridian  Costco on the way home. She wanted fish and some fash wash. I was looking to see if I could get the white top I bought last week in a bigger size. The gal working said they run small and all the bigger sizes were out. POOP!  She told us to look on line. When we got home, we scheduled Lubov again for next Saturday. After she went home, Tony and I changed and we went to fill up the car with gas and we went back into the Nampa Costco and looked for the bigger tops again, but no luck. Guess, I'll have to lose weight!!  OH MY!  We went home and I made my "GINGER SHOT" drink and then we rested and watched TV till Christa and the boys (and Dottie) showed up.

I got a picture of them before they took off for Mountain Home. I was able to get their Christmas present wrapped because I'm not sure we'll get over that way before the end of the year. Just being prepared in case. 

It was a brief visit but it's always good to seem them.

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