Thursday, July 18, 2024


Yesterday morning, I had a dental cleaning at 9am. I went about 8:45 hoping I'd get in a wee bit early but I didn't. :(  boo    Anyway, Brittney Poulsen cleans my teeth and we always have the best visit. I just love her!!  She was telling me that Tony and I needed to do the Harvest Classic Fun Run this year. She said it is s lot of fun and they feed you good and ya get a T shirt and a loaf of bread from Franz and on and  I got my cleaning done and found out I have to go to an Endodontist to get a root canal fixed. There is infection under the crown.  :( Boo again!!   Then I went home, picked up Tony and we went to the gym to walk, weight's and elliptical.

When I finished, I was on my way out and I picked up a flyer about the run. UNFORTUNATELY, it is on a Saturday and we will be in the temple so it's a NO, GO!!   :( boo a 3rd time!  When Tony came out, we went to the Endodontist to make an appointment for me. He is going to do it on the 31st of this month. Will be glad to get it over with. Found out our insurance pays $1000 of it and I still have to cough up $673.00!!  So much for Brittaney telling me that I take such good care of my teeth! lol  We went home and I worked on some crocheting and then I was making Tony and I a chicken salad for lupper, when I got a call from a friend. She wanted to know what I was doing. I told her, and she said she needed someone to come sit with her. She was stressing out. I told her I wouldn't be able to because I had a RS meeting at 6:30 after we ate, but I talked to her for quite a while and tried to talk her out of her depression. She said she wasn't sleeping so I told her to take a sleeping pill and lay on her bed and to breathe in deep breaths and let them out slowly, over and over. Hoping that the visit was enough, I hung up and finished dinner.  Pretty soon, I get a call from Jenni saying she called her and  said she had called the paramedics to come and they did and they put her in the ambulance, tied her down and then she said, "I can't do this, let me out, it's too hot in here, I'll drive myself."    Jenni told her she would send another lady over that lives in the trailer park. She did and when we all got together for our meeting, we find out, she'd called Terri as well. Same scenario, but she asked her if we were having a RS meeting.  Guess she didn't believe me.  When our meeting was over a little after 8PM, she called Jenni and told her she was ready to go home. I told Jenni I would go get her. It was about 8:30 by the time I got to the hospital. As soon as we left, she said she was starving and wanted to stop at McDonalds. I told her I didn't have any cash, and could she wait till she got home. She said , "No, I'll use my credit card."  (part of the reason she is stressed out is because of her financial situation but she keeps using the card)  She got a burger, fries and a coke and off to her house we went. She took a couple of bites and said it wasn't sitting well. (Probably because they gave her an anxiety medication in the hospital) When I pulled up to her place, she said she had to go to the bathroom and would I bring in all her stuff. She made a dash for the door and I gathered up her purse and her food and took it in. Then she came out and said she had to go to Walgreens to buy maxi pads. She got back in and I drove her to the store, I stayed in the car while she ran in and then I took her home. I wished her a good night and went home. She's very needy and I love her but I don't have time to spend with her 24/7.
I had to shower when I got home and get ready for bed. We went to bed, read our scriptures and then got up this morning and got ready to go do our Temple Day with Joyce & Lynn.
We did an Endowment each, then Sealings and then Initiatory. A total of  66 ordinances. After we finished, I was the 1st one out, so I took a stroll to the back of the temple. I think these are some kind of a Holly Hock (but not sure) but they were huge & beautiful!!

This view never gets old! Just Gorgeous!!

Walking back to the car, I took a picture of the Hydrangeas. This is how I wished mine would look!  We went to Panda Express for lunch and then to Costco to fill up the car. Joyce tried to get her hearing aids cleaned but she had to make an appointment. I got my prescription filled and then we came home. I've got to write up something for the Ward History about the Salvation Army luncheon and I also have to write the RS Message for the August newsletter so will get those done now and then Tony Mendoza is coming over to tell me what she wants me to do for the September RS evening. It's something to do with making cards. It's been a good day!

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