Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today was our temple day so we got up and ate a quick breakfast and the four of us took off for the temple. We did an endowment 1st and as I sat myself in the 2nd room, and all the ladies filed in, I saw my friend Caroline Thorsen !!  She used to be in our Ward years ago and was the RS Secretary. She married and moved to Meridian and I would see her on occasion at the Meridian Temple. Then her husband died and she moved to Utah. AMAZINGLY, I saw her when we went to the OREM TEMPLE this year. Today, my jaw dropped when I saw her enter. I waited for her in the Celestial room and gave her a big hug when she came in. She is on her way to Seattle for a brother in laws funeral. I hope she doesn't have trouble getting there. The road to Oregon has been closed off and on due to the fires. It was great to see her. Then when I was waiting in the waiting room after our work was done, I saw my friend Debra Wood. We hugged and then she was on her way. It's such a sweet blessing to see friends and loved ones when we go to the 
We left and stopped by VERIZON in Nampa so Lynn could have them clean her phone. Joyce and I waited in Arby's while Tony went with his mom. When they finally came over to get lunch, Lynn said that the lady said she had 
And still, Tony had to remove at least 20 games of solitaire, as well as a few more apps that she doesn't need. He begged her to stay off certain sites and the games!!! Will she listen..... doubt it as he has told her this many times before. lol We came home and changed and went to the gym to walk. Joyce didn't go because she was tired but Lynn did. We dropped her off and now we are home.
Remember, I took a picture of my Hydrangeas a day ago, and I said I wished they would fill out like other hydrangeas!! 

These are the ones at the temple!!  
But, I am grateful for mine, none the less. They are still pretty!

I walked outside after the day was done, and while Joyce & Lynn waited for Tony.  I love the entrance to the temple grounds!

We have such a beautiful temple and I love to spend our Thursday's here. Such a wonderful blessing in our lives!

AND, my new addition to my
He's so cute!!

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