Saturday, July 13, 2024


Tony and I were veil coordinators today at the temple, so we had to be there early for our coordinator prayer meeting. I told Lubov we needed to leave by 4:45am and she was at our home this morning before we even finished eating our bowl of cereal! She's just amazing!!  We had a wonderful day serving and all of the temple workers are falling in love with her. It is so awesome!

I told her I'd take a picture of her in front of the flowers at the entrance after our shift was over.

She's already posted it on FB and sent it to her daughter in Spain! 
After we took Lubov home, we drove back to Meridian to meet up with our sweetheart, Abigail Munn, Today was her last day serving with us at the temple. Her health is not good and she is taking some time off before going to BYU Idaho in September.

We met her at Chick Fil A in Meridian. We had the best time. She is just adorable! She told her mother that whenever she comes home from school, she is stopping in Nampa to see us! We said,

Off she went after we ate. She had a hair appointment in Boise at 1PM. She may have been a little late, but it's her friend so Abby said she wouldn't mind. lol  We went back home and I had Lubov come over and we got her appointments scheduled for next week. She is doing two endowments and another sealing session. It work outs so well with our schedule. She said the sealing session today was all Russian names and everyone spoke Russian. She said it was so spiritual and she cried and cried! AWESOME!!

I went out to water after Lubov went home. My poor garden is suffering in this heat. Evidently, my sprinkler is not getting the entire garden. My pots are doing great! 

The squash is wilted as  you can see. Poor thing!!  I hope to go out again soon and find it up and thriving.

After the water had time to soak into the ground.  Much better except for the leaves back by the fence.
The potatoes on the right side of the garden are the same way! Man, I get so frustrated with our sprinklers!  I checked them later and they were still bend over. Grrrrrrrr!!

I have a couple of flowers in the garden that I wasn't aware I planted. lol This one is a pretty pink one.

AND, this one is kinda ugly! I know I thought it was a weed at 1st and I pulled it BUT it was persistent and came back! lol

They are together with the Marigolds!!

The hydrangeas are starting to bloom. They NEVER get like other hydranges and it kinda bothers me but I don't know what to do about it. ANYWAY, it's been a good day. 
Now, onto my lesson for tomorrow!

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