Friday, July 12, 2024


This morning, we had to get up early and take our car to the dealership to get a problem fixed. I drove the car there and Tony drove the truck. We left the car and then Tony brought me home. He changed and went to the gym and I stayed home and worked in my yard before it gets too hot to do it!
I'm so happy to see my Tiger lilies have a lot of buds on them. Soon they'll be opening!

The Lupine has a lot as well. It will be a beautiful tall purple flower soon. There are a couple of small flowers already.

I weeded the garden, pulled the beans and trimmed the tomato.

I cut back both the re\d and the pink dianthuses and I hope they will bloom again. All the flowers were dried and dead.  

My Mara plant that I cut back BIG TIME is now coming back and I'm sure it will develop more flowers as the summer goes on.

My friends have been putting this app on their Face book pages and every time I tried it, it would put Tony's face instead of mine!! 

I have to admit though, he makes a pretty good lookin woman! lol He would just freak if he knew I'd posted this but it was too funny to pass up!!  Last night before bed, I wondered if I changed the photo on my FB profile page if it would work. 
SURE ENOUGH, it did!!

It was fun to do all the different hairstyles,

If only, I seriously had this much hair and was this young again! lol

I do like some of these styles. Maybe I'll look this good in the hereafter!! lol

Such a fun app!

OK Melissa!!  Do your wonders!!  lol  
Oh, how I wish she could do this!!  

Not my favorite!!

This dog makes me look good! lol

Wish I had these curls!!
Wouldn't mind getting old and grey if I looked like this!

It's funny, you can see how they try to take off my glasses!

Sure wish I had a head of hair like this!!!

Maybe I could have been a lawyer.  lol
Enough fun and games, time to go get our car!!
The Sister's came over with Ty at 2PM. They shared about Prophets and had him read from Alma. We told him about our Prophet, President Nelson. it was nice to have them here. After they left, we picked up Joyce and went to Lynn's to see Deedra and the kids. The girls were at a friends house and Jack had his friend Porter over. We made pizza's and Garrett, Jack and Porter came up from the basement and we ate. Then the 4 of us girls and Tony played cards. We came home and are getting ready for bed. It's an early morning for us.  Good day!

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