Monday, July 15, 2024


Sunday, I taught my RS lesson and I'm so glad I'm done for a couple of months. After church, Lynn went back to her house with Curtis & Deedra and family. I tool Joyce home and I started chopping up things for the taco salad. Then when Tony got home from Ward Council, we went over to Lynn's and we ate dinner. Before the kids left, we got some pictures on Lynn's front porch.
Tony and I with the grandkids

Lynn with her Great Grandkids

The Butterfield family.  After pictures, they left to go see Curtis's parents and Nicks kids. Then they headed home. Deedra let me know when they arrived back home in Kennewick.  While they were getting ready to go leave, Janel Stears showed up at Lynn's to visit. We played Golf with her and while we were playing, I got a text from Heather. She said she was at Traci's and the kids wanted me to come have a sleep over with them. After we played games, Lynn and Joyce wanted to get out THE CHOSEN and watch it but I told them I wanted to go home because Heather was coming to get me. 

She did about 3 o'clock or a little after. Traci is out of town on a river raft/camping trip so she let Heather stay at her condo. It was fun. When we went in June to Utah, we only saw her and the kids briefly so we wanted to spend a little time together. Sawyer and Mara made bracelets, Rowan was doing a Star Wars puzzle and Heather and I sat on the couch and had a good Mother/Daughter talk.

Then Heather and I got comfortable and we all watched a movie.

Around 11, Heather had the kids brush their teeth and get ready for bed and we washed our makeup off and brushed our teeth and we hit the sack.  I was getting pretty tired myself.
BUT, Heather wanted pictures of the kids in bed with me. Rowan was already asleep in Andrew's room!

Then she kicked the kids to the floor and she and I shared Traci's bed. I LOOK DEAD TIRED! LOL
We got up this morning late, although I was the 1st one up. 8:30. Then Rowan came down stairs 1st, then the other two and then Heather. We had a bowl of cereal, visited some more and then got ready to go to Sandy Point out by Lucky Peak.

I use to take the kids here to swim when they were little. I'd forgotten all about the place but Heather wanted to show the kids.

It was HOT but there was lots of shade and picnic tables so we took one and the kids hit the sand and water.
Heather took a selfie of us!

The  kids came up to get a drink, eat a sandwich and chips and Mara took our picture.

There were quite a few people there, paddle boarding and kayaking  and trying to keep cool. I'd make Mara sit on my lap when she came up soaking wet. It sure felt good!

It's a nice place to play and get some water fun. I told Tony later that we should take our kayaks out here sometime. We stayed till about 2:30 and then Heather took me home. While I was gone, Tony built a rack for Robin Bratton's air conditioner to sit on. When I got home, he and I went to her house and got it installed.  

Before, it was one of those two by fours holding it up. Tony told her he would build a better support and he did a great job. Then he put the green Styrofoam around the air conditioner in the back bedroom. Then he had to take one of her camera's down at the back of her trailer so she could replace the batteries and then he adjusted it while she looked on her phone and told him which direction to turn it. All together, we were at her house 2 and 1/2 hours. We came home and I fixed the rest of the taco salad for us and we relaxed in front of the TV the rest of the evening. It was a good day!

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