Monday, July 8, 2024


Last night, I worked on my lesson for this coming Sunday for a while and then went down to spend the evening with Tony. The ladies had gone home after they played some GOLF with Tony.

Then the rest of the evening, we both worked on our puzzles.
 He on this one! 

And I finished my Diamond Art one as well! I put mine on the floor and piled a ton of magazines on top of it to firmly push the diamonds into place and to flatten out the creases. Tony is going to cut cardboard for them today! Then we went to bed. We got up fairly early this morning and headed outside to take care of the yard while the temperature was bearable! It was still75*!! I mowed while Tony edged the yard and then he sprayed weeds. I still have to pick weeds in the garden but will go out this evening as it is now 100*. Besides, we wanted to go work out!
(Glutton's for PUNISHMENT!~)

Melissa and Livie were getting ready to play Pickleball. Missy told us about their week in Cascade and how their dog got sick. 

I got a couple of shots before they went out onto the court. Then we went up to walk. After my walk, I got on the elliptical upstairs. While I was there, Mary came in and talked to me. She asked me if I was ready to get back to making cards for her again. She told me I could make the window one she like (and doesn't complain about) when I wanted to make some money. I told her that after things settle down a bit, I might do it again. She said she got someone to make her cards but they weren't as good as mine and she'd really love for me to make them again. Since I wasn't able to cash in my bottles in Portland, I may have to think about this so I can have some cash of my own. As much as I hate it! lol  I finished my elliptical and went down to do some weights. When I finished, I waited in the shade.

I love the Japanese Maple at the rec center. It is so beautiful! Tony came a short time later and we went to Walmart. They finally got our KOZY SHACK pudding back in the 12 packs so we got two of them. Tony found some shorts and I got some white yarn. 
Then we came home. 

The lilies I planted in the front and back are blooming pretty good but still have several buds to open! The bloom is HUGE!!

The pot in the back has even more open!! AND, still several to go! I came in and crashed for a bit. The heat is making me feel kinda sick. Tony went to Lynn's to bring some compost and I will work on my lesson for Sunday again. I stress too much about things like that. PLUS, I have to feed the Salvation Army Shelter on Thursday and I think that has me stressing a bit too. I will be glad when this week is over with! lol I have several cold sores that have popped out!   Deedra, Curtis and the family are coming Thursday thru Sunday. That will be fun. We'll have to plan something to do.

I went out this evening at 9:15 to weed the garden. It was still hotter than heck but the sun was down so it wasn't that bad. I got the majority done so now to shower and get ready for bed.

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