Tuesday, July 16, 2024


We started out out day by picking up Joyce & Lynn and going to the Rec Cyr to walk. The ladies rode the bikes and Tony and I walked. I saw my friend Rena and we walked a lap together and she was finished. She'd already walked her mile and was kind enough to walk with me a lap so we could visit. Then she went down to ride the bike till her husband was ready to leave. I walked my 2 miles and then went dow to ride the elliptical and she was gone. Got in our exercise day and then Tony dropped off Joyce & me and he went over to his mom's to get her mouse on her computer working and to find her phone bag. He also hug her huge puzzle picture. I went out to check my garden to see if water was needed.
Tony has one zone going on two times a day and he'd cleaned the heads yesterday so it looks good so far. I noticed my Lupine is blooming more each day. It's a beautiful plant.

My Tiger lilies are doing better than they ever have and I credit it all to the POTASH I put in the plants last year. I'll be putting it in again this fall. I love that my plants don't all bloom all at once (although that would be gorgeous) but this way I have some flowers to enjoy all summer long!

This pot has two different kinds of lilies in it and the orange, pink and yellow ones (and they were smaller) have come & gone, but these big ones have been blooming recently. They will be done soon and then it will be just green leaves!  BOO(:    lol
We met Heather & the kids at the Majestic at 4 o'clock and we watched INSIDE OUT 2.
 We all liked it, even Tony. lol He and I even cried a little! lol

After wards, we met up with Scott and Jill and Gavin at Tepanyaki for dinner. It was a BLAST!!

Our cook was pretty funny! The kids sure enjoyed it!!

We got soup, a salad and then fried rice.

Then the fried veggies!! He started the stack of onions on fire and then.....

He took out a little plastic boy and he squirted the kids with it and it looked like the little plastic boy was peeing. Rowan laughed like crazy but Mara and Sawyer were disgusted, lol 

Then he started flipping shrimp! He made Scott get far away! He caught the 3rd one! lol

Rowan has never tried shrimp but he caught the 1st one and amazingly, he liked it.  The lighting sucked! At least for pictures! 

It took Heather a couple of tries but got it on the 2nd or third. 

Sawyer tried it. I think it landed on his shoulder! lol

Mara tried and tried but she never caught it! She had fun trying though!

I got the 2nd try but only because I cupped my hand and caught it and shoved it in! lol

We got a picture of us all of us after dinner. It was so fun to be together and catch up. So glad we got to do it. Thank you Heather for setting it up!!

The three siblings together. Heather leaves tomorrow for home so this was our goodbye. It was so fun to see her and the kids and to have some girl time together. 
It was a GOOD DAY!

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