Saturday, July 6, 2024


My Russian friend, Lubov, got her Temple recommend renewed last Sunday. She was so excited and asked if she could go with us on Saturday. I told her that we leave at 5am and we don't leave till 11 or sometimes later. She said that she was OK with that!  So, she was at our house at 10 to 5 this morning.  We had scheduled her two endowment sessions and then she waited patiently until we finished our shift. She absolutely made a lot of people's day!! David Terry (a sealer) who went to Russia on a mission, met her and he and his wife plan to have her over for lunch next Saturday. Brother Catan, was so excited to meet her and spoke to her in his limited Russian and she was thrilled. Then a Sister Freeman was able to be at the veil with her and she learned Russian in High School and college. She said she was hardly able to use it and so she got SO EMOTIONAL today when she was able to. She said it was such a spiritual experience for her. After we left for the day, Tony took our picture.
She plans on going with us next Saturday as well so we scheduled her for several things to do. She was so happy to be able to get back to serving. We are happy to be able to get her there on Saturdays! We came home and got her account set up so she can schedule her own appointments. Then she went home.

I saw my Lily that is out front in a pot has opened. At least one of the flowers! It is a HUGE LILY and it is beautiful!

Then I went out back and checked on the ones in the back yard. Two of them have opened. Can you tell I love lilies!! lol

We plan on mowing Monday morning EARLY so we can beat the heat!! The weeds are starting to grow and I need to get them out as well. My egg plant (in the raised bed) has died. Well, at least part of it. There is still a part of it that is growing along the bed but the part that was growing up the tomato cage died. Not sure why?? However, the rest of the garden is doing GREAT! Even the sweet potato is growing. It will be a fun harvest, eventually! 

Tony worked on Temple cards this afternoon and I worked on my Diamond Art. I am nearly done with it! Then I'll have to find a mat and a frame for it. I think I'll put some heavy magazines on it and make sure it is well pressed down before I frame it.
It's been a GREAT DAY!~ 
Oh, and my wonderful mother turned 102 today! She is the last living person in her family.  INCREDIBLE!!

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