Monday, August 26, 2024


Still working on getting things together for the class on the 3rd. One week left to prepare and I hope it goes well!

Got a good start on it before bed last night. When I got up this morning, I hurried and got dressed and ready for my dental appointment at 9am. I went and got right in. Dr. Jarvis, didn't even numb me. Just drilled out the temporary and put in a permanent filling. I was home by 9:30. I went right to mowing the lawn. Tony was at Joyce's working on her yard. I got finished and came in and got started on my "GINGER DRINK."  I love the stuff but it is a pain to make. I doubled the recipe and got a half gallon.

I froze the gallon jug and put some in a pitcher in the fridge. It's good and hot! Just the way I like it!! Tony got home before I had it finished but waited for me to get it done and then we went to the gym. We walked and did weights and I did the elliptical as well. We went to COSTCO and filled the car up with gas. When we got home, I started lunch. We had TACO'S again! lol 
After we ate, we relaxed for a couple of episodes of  
When Calls The Heart. 

I went out to see the garden. Tony told me he pulled out the tomato plant. It wasn't producing at all. I will not be planting a tomato plant with potatoes ever again!

The bee's are sure enjoying the Marigolds! There were a ton of them buzzing around. 

Tony doesn't like the flowers that came up from the seed packet I got at Silver Sisters. I DO!!  lol

I am amazed at how the Marigolds kinda take over the garden! It's definitely Plum Full!

There was one of these in the grass. Isn't it cool? It's like those straw flowers you can grow that are krispy! I put this one in with my decorative nuts. We'll see if it stays together or falls apart. If it stays together, I'll pick more and put them in the display. Now off to shower and rest the evening away!

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