Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Tony and I went to the gym this morning. We called Joyce to see if she wanted to go, she did, so we called Lynn. She wanted to but had a dentist appointment so couldn't. Joyce came over and off we went. I walked with Rena and at the end of our walk, I ran into Kevin Poulsen. He wants me to come over and help him make the "Ginger Shot" today and I told him, I'd be happy to! Then I ran into Chris Sugg. Haven"t seen her in a long time. We talked for quite a while. She told me all kinds of information about her family. Her husband has colon cancer and is scheduled for surgery the 1st of October. Luckily it has not spread. One of her daughters is separated and was nearly raped by a man she met. She went to see his dog, they got drunk and he got violent. She got away but was picked up, lost her license and her job.(Good reason not to drink)  Chris and Dale have been helping her a lot. Babysitting, driving her to a new job and picking her up. Then Dale's brother has moved in and is living in their camp trailer. They have gone through half of their savings helping family. It was quite sad talking to her but she said how grateful she was to have run into me. She said she felt a lot better just talking about it all and unloading.  I came home and wrote a get well card to Dale and sent her the "Ginger Shot" recipe as she is having some trouble in that respect as well. I finished my walk and only about 17 minutes on the elliptical machine before Tony was done and ready to come home. We are waiting for Kevin to come over and get us to go shopping and then we'll go to his house and I'll help him make his 1st batch of the drink. I called the Sister Missionary's to tell them that I'll feed them tomorrow because Lynn doesn't have anyone to invite. Then on Thursday, we have the temple and it will be too busy for me to feed them that day. I am making chicken salad sandwiches so I'll pick up some grapes at the store today and some croissants.  It will be easy as I'll make the salad today. 

I had to laugh at this picture of Lincoln. I wonder if the "chill pill" works when he's fussy! lol He looks content.

This popped up on Facebook.  We are still going strong!
Kevin came by and picked us up and we went to wINCO and I showed him everything he needed to buy for the drink. He was able to buy Tumeric in bulk as well as Cayenne pepper in bulk.  He even bought a new sieve to push the pulp of the ginger, oranges and lemons through to get all the juice he can. He asked some particulars of how I did it and he said he would get busy but I didn't need to come help him make it. He'd call if he got into trouble. I gave him a drink of mine and he said he liked it and he thought his wife would like it too as she is suffering with kidney stones. He gave Tony and I a protein drink called Fairlife, that he buys at Costco. He said when they get it in, it goes really fast. It was good so after he dropped us off at home, we went back and bout 5 cases. It's good! Then we stopped at WENDY'S and I got a kids meal and Tony got a Taco salad. I wasn't very hungry.  

We got home and Tony set up his saws and started cutting frames for pur puzzles. I made a chicken salad and put it in the fridge for tomorrow. I invited Robin over and the missionary's.  I am still working on stuff for the RS class a week from today! I called Diane Brown and she said she had some things. I will stop by her home tomorrow after the gym and pick them up.  I'm gonna go do laundry now and clean my house for tomorrows dinner.

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