Sunday, August 25, 2024


Saturday, we served in the temple and Lubov came with us again! She told us that she will be going to Utah next weekend to see her x-husbands mother who is ill. BUT, she will go with me the following weekend when Tony is in Oregon with Stillman, for the 1st BSU Football of the season!

Lubov wanted some pictures when we got out of the temple. She likes to get her picture taken. We went to Boise to Deseret Book and Tony got some new garments and the movie
"Escape From Germany" 
 Lubov bought a new temple dress.  She asked me if I would launder it when we got home because her machine doesn't have a delicate cycle. I needed to wash my temple dress too so I had no problem with that. 

Driving home, we saw the Boise Temple. They are putting a new roof on, and it is supposed to be complete at the end of September. We have sure enjoyed having the members who are assigned to the Boise temple come to our temple. It's fun to see some of those we used to serve with and old friends.  When we got home, we changed our clothes and then made a trip to Costco and Winco. Then we came home and I made us taco's with the left over pork roast. Mmmmm, they were so good! We relaxed the remainder of the day. 
We got up and dressed for church this morning and we went to Joyce's house to drop off a wedding gift for her granddaughter's son who just got married. Joyce had company and Ty and Cindy are going to take the gift to the kids when they go home today. Kim was there as well but she was still in bed. She has arthritis bad and sleeps in. Ty and Cindy came to church and then left for home after Sacrament. Joyce stayed home with Kim. Our service was phenomenal today! A new family (the Millwards) spoke and they did a great job. They have three kids. A 9, 6 and 3 year old. The nine year old boy sang a solo and his Mom played the piano. WOW, he was so good!! He brought tears to everyone's eyes! He really brought the spirit. Then, Arlene Hollingsworth taught the Relief Society lesson. It was "Words Matter" by Elder Ronald Rasband. She also did a phenomenal job!!  I knew she would and boy, she didn't disappoint!!  Tony had a Ward Council meeting at 11:30, so I took Lynn home, and I came home and made a salad and some scalloped potatoes for our dinner. I told Lynn, we were going to listen to Scott speak in his ward so we wouldn't be to her house till about 2:30.  I went back to the church at 12:30 and Tony was out shortly after I got there. We headed to Scott's building. He was traveling home from Utah that morning and when we got to the church, his Bishop said that Scott had gotten a flat tire in Twin Falls and they weren't sure if he'd make it. We sat down with Jill & Scotlyn and after the opening song and prayer, Scott came rushing in. There were 2 other speakers and a choir number and I was getting worried that Scott wasn't going to have enough time. He went a little over 2 but it was so worth it. He did a wonderful job and I was so proud of him. He is a spiritual giant and afterwards, there were so many in his ward who told me that he is such a strength to their ward and how much they love him! I am so proud of him. He tries so hard to do what is right and he makes this old Momma burst with love. This has been such a special day and I am so grateful to be a member of the church.

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