Saturday, August 10, 2024


Tony and I were Veil Coordinators  today at the temple, which means we have to get up at 4am in order to leave for the temple at 4:45am for prayer meeting at 5:30. I told Lubov and she said 
"NO PROBLEM".... and was at our door at 4:35. I was still shoveling in some cereal. She said she got up at 2 and showered and got ready to go! She's amazing!!

It was such a good day. We love to work at the veil and it always fun to see whose in the sessions. Today I saw Elidia who is a trainer at the rec center, Anita Zufelt, who is an awesome friend. We saw Craig and Claire Bledsoe, who we use to work with in the Boise temple AND a lot of regulars. We LOVE IT!~
After our shift, Lubov and I walked out and she wanted a couple of pictures taken. So, one by the fountain......

And she wanted one on the steps. We told her we were going to the hospital to see Anna and Kodi and she was fine with that. We didn't plan to stay long but it's Anna's birthday and I wanted to help her feel special. She's had a rough week! (Not as rough as Kodi but still)

Kodi was in such good spirits! He smiled BIG at me when I talked to him! It was so sweet! He remembers us!!

Anna was so funny! She made a face when Tony took the picture but then had a beautiful smile. She is 54 today! 
Just a baby in my estimation!

We had a good visit. She said Kodi has lost 17 pounds in the last week. He is still being fed intravenously because he has a hard time keeping it down. He can't be released till he is able to eat on his own and it will probably be another week or more before he is released. The doctors are saying it should never have come to this and it is pure neglect on the care takers part. They are advising her to get a lawyer.  We will see how it goes.

When we went to leave, I told Kodi we loved him and were praying for his recovery. He opened his arms for a HUG and I got to hug him and kiss him on his cheek. Then he wanted a HUG from Tony!  It was the sweetest!
Her daughter was coming up from Blackfoot and going to take her to lunch for her birthday. Then she is driving back to Twin tomorrow to get some clean clothes and do a few things and then will be back tomorrow evening to stay with Kodi. They have a sitter in the hospital to stay with him so he won't pull out IV's etc.
We told her we will be out of town on Monday but we will come back on Wednesday and Tony is going to give her a blessing.  After leaving the hospital, we took Lubov home, changed our clothes and left to run some errands. We had to buy some food for tomorrow's dinner at Lynn's. Deb, Alivia & Cory and Danae are in town and Lynn is making a pot roast with potatoes, carrots & onions. I am bringing a salad and sponge cake to go with the fresh strawberries that Joyce is bringing. We had to pick up the carrots and onions for Lynn as well as whipped cream.

Once we were done shopping, Tony wanted to stop at COLDSTONE, because he had a buy one, get one free and today was the last day! It was good! He was bound and determined he was not gonna lose it. So, he got a FOUNDER'S FAVORITE and I got a smoothie. 
I had to laugh at the above picture! 

He made me take a 2nd! lol 

I sure enjoyed my Strawberry Mango Smoothie and he was done with his ice-cream long before I got done. lol   He can inhale the stuff!! We went home, unloaded our groceries and went to Lynn's to eat pizza and play games. We had fresh tomatoes and cukes from Deb's garden as well. We played games and Danae started a puzzle she bought today. It's a bear head in the shape of a bear head!! Pretty cool.  We played 18 rounds and then Tony and I came home. We've been up since 4 and we are beat. Hope we both sleep like logs tonight.

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