Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Deb and family (except for Robin) came to town on Friday evening. We didn't go over because we get up so early on Saturday mornings.  We did go over on Saturday afternoon , once we were home and had done a few things that we needed to do. We them picked up pizza's and went over to have lunch with them and play some games. (They are the gamiest family I know)  lol Danae had bought a unique puzzle at Fred Meyer and she wanted to get started on it.  It was difficult so she quit after she had gotten several pieces done. We them played GOLF till 6 or 6:30 and then we went home. We had been up since 4am and we were tired. 
Sunday after church, we went over for dinner and they had completed the bear puzzle. They said they stayed up way too late and it was very challenging!! Danae want to Mod Podge it so we are going to help her once we are back from McCall!
We had a lovely dinner. Roast beef with potatoes, carrots & onions, I made beets & greens from my garden and a Kale salad and cukes in rice vinegar. Joyce brought fresh strawberries and I brought over the mini sponge cakes for strawberry shortcake....BUT, Lynn forgot that she'd asked me to bring them and she'd made a cake!!  These ladies hardly remember anything lately! After we ate, we cleared the table, Tony had to go back to church for an Elder's Quorum meeting and so us gals (minus Danae) played GOLF again.

We didn't keep score (naturally, I was doing half way decent this time) BUT, it was fun. After a couple of hours, we gave it up and went in the living room to rest a bit. Tony got back and he watched COME FOLLOW UP with Joyce and me.

Tammy and her kids showed up and they helped put another puzzle together. Once it was finished, they wanted to play UNO so all the kids along with us adults (minus Tony & Joyce) played games. When we finished UNO they got out Apples To Apples and I dropped out. Tony and I left around 7 or so and came home to pack for the McCall trip and relax to a couple of episodes of 
WHEN CALLS THE HEART.  We then showered and went to bed. Tony has a Dermatology appointment at 8am and then we go to the doctor at 12:45. After which we will head to McCall!
We  loaded our car on Monday morning and then we went to pick up Lynn and take her to the doctor appointment we all had with the same doctor. We all went in together and it went smoothly that way. Lynn finished 1st so she left and called deb to come get her and they were headed to McCall. I went 2nd and Tony went 3rd. Tony and I both had to do a blood test and I had to get a Monogram. They ordered a sleep test for Tony so hopefully we'll get some answers to that.  When we left, Lynn was still out on the grass waiting for Deb. We told her to get in the car with us and then Deb pulled up. She transferred cars and we had to go home because I forgot my phone charger. We got it and went to Chick Fil A for lunch and to Costco to fill up. The plan was that they would meet us for lunch and then when they didn't show, we called and they decided to go to
 THE HABIT!   OH BROTHER!!  As it was, we got on the road before they did. Tony went slow and Deb finally caught up to us out of Weiser a ways. We got to McCall and Deb turned off to their Condo and we continued down the road to check into our hotel. 

It was a SUPER 8.  Not bad either. Nice & clean.

Good enough for two nights! We unloaded our belongings and then went to ICE-CREAM ALLEY for a treat!

It was packed and we stood in line for a long time. BUT, people left as we waited so I was able to secure the swinging chair. SWEET!!

The Cones were HUGE!!  Tony was finished long before I got done so I had him help me with mine. SO GOOD!~
We finished up and then drove to the condo the family had rented. 

It was very nice! 3 bedrooms 2 bath and right on the water.  We played SKYJO for a while and Cory took our picture. 

There was a small room with a table on an enclosed deck that looked out to the lake. We'd preferred to have played games on the table here but the chairs were so big, it was impossible to move them and be able to get in them so we opted for the table in the kitchen.

Cory and Alivia took off on a bike ride (they have electric bikes) and they sent me a couple of beautiful pictures!

The sun was gorgeous with the smoke in the sky!  Around 9, we took off and went back to the motel for some rest. We were tired. We got ready for bed and read our scriptures and then sacked out.

The next morning, we got up around 8:30 and got dressed and ready for the day. The Super 8 had a really nice continental breakfast!! Best I've ever seen! Cereal (hot or cold) muffins, bagels, sweet rolls and maple bars. French toast, waffles (BIG ones or 4 little ones) eggs, milk, juice, coffee, yogurt, jams, cream cheese, and Nutella. We had a nice breakfast and then called the condo. It was 10 and Deb was still in bed. We woke her up. She said to come on over. We did and by the time we got there they were all up. Cory and Alivia had brought their Ukulele's and I asked them to play us a tune. They did and it was fun to hear them.  After they were all up and ready to go do something, we drove around to some old camping grounds that they had come to as children. 

It was hard to get to exactly where they use to camp as there has been so much building of cabins going on. We did get out and walk down to the lake and take a few pictures.  Tony and his mom.

Then she took one of me and Tony. She got a little close. I wanted more of the water in the background but I got it in the picture of her and Tony. The condo's the kids were staying in were across the lake on the left hand side of this picture!
Deb was loving the big red barked trees and wanted a picture of them in front of one of them! After driving around a bit, we went to do some shopping. We looked in a store by the front of the lake in the downtown area and Danae bought some slippers and a shirt. Then we went to a CHRISTMAS Store and she bought a Christmas puzzle.  Then the rest of us went back to the condo to rest. Tony was not feeling well. I think the smoke got to him and he lost his voice and was very croaky! We watched REDS while Deb and Danae went out shopping again. When they got back, Danae showed us her finds. 4 T-Shirts and about 5 pair of socks. We then decided to go to eat at a place called FRENCHIE'S. It was OK but kinda spendy!

A nice man took our picture. We then went back to the condo and played games again....till bedtime!

Wednesday morning, we got up, packed up our belongings as we had to be checked out at 11am. We went down and ate breakfast and then on our way to the condo, I took a picture of the place. Can you see the bear??   He's wooden but none the less, a bear! lol

Back at the condo, the kids were playing the UKE'S again. Now you can see the table that is out on the deck part of the place. We played games again. Tony went and laid down for a while as he did not sleep well at all. After an hour and a half, he joined us. Finally, at  one o'clock, we went to MY FATHER'S PLACE for lunch.

Of course, we had to wait in line. It's a very popular place. Funny thing (really not so funny) was the prices on line were not correct!! It was double what it said on line. 

We finally got to the front of the line and placed our orders.

Tony juggling 3 Dr. Peppers!! 

I got a picture of the gang chowing down!

Tony had a band aide on his face as he had a dermatology appointment Monday morning before our Dr. appointment. They called him today at the condo and told him it is a carcinoma and he'll have to come in again and have it taken out! Poor guy!
A nice man took a picture of us all so I could be in the picture.
Tony and I left to come home after we'd eaten. I had to drive as he was so tired from not getting any sleep. He's not feeling well t all. I drove to Fruitland and then had to pull into a station to use the restroom. I just couldn't hold it any longer. He had slept some so he said he'd drive the remainder of the way. We got to Nampa, and went to Costco for some medication for him and then to the carwash. We came home and unloaded the car and rested a bit. Then (as I'll post in the next post) we headed to the hospital in Boise!

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