Sunday, August 4, 2024


We worked our shift on Saturday. Lubov came with us. After our shift, she and her Russian friend went to Brother Terry's (he a sealer and he went on a mission to Russia) SO, as I was  leaving, I saw some family trying to take pictures. I offered to do it for them so they could all be in the picture together. They handed me three phones ! lol  I took them, they thanked me and I went to the car.

Tony came out and we walked back to where the family was (they were still there) so I asked if they would take one of Tony and me. lol They were happy to do so. 

I wanted to send one to "TINY TEMPLES" I get emails from them and in the most recent, they asked people to send a picture of them at the temple and they would post it in their email.

So I did!  We'll see if we make the paper! lol
We came home and Tony had to go to the church at 1 to help set up chairs for the Ward BBQ and game night. While he was gone, I read my book, "The Guardian" by Gerald Lund. It's a two book series and it is soooo good!! When Tony got home, we got ready to go. We packed up the watermelon and my Peanut butter chocolate oatmeal bars and headed to the church early. We needed to get out the tableware from the Relief Society closet as well as fill the water pitchers etc. Brother Stucki and 3 of his children were there getting the grill's going and helping set things up!

The party started and there was a fair amount of food to choose from. We had hot dogs. Chili and cheese, chips, salads, desserts and if you went home hungry, it was your own fault!! 

The turnout was not great!! We were disappointed in that! We didn't use half the tables and chairs that were set up. BUT, we had fun, got full and had a nice visit with those that were there. We played GOLF with Arlene Hollingsworth and her granddaughter, Miranda. It was fun but we all pulled up stakes around 8 or 8:30 to clean up the cultural hall and the kitchen. We came home, watched an episode of WHEN CALLS THE HEART, and then showered and hit the sack. It was a busy day!

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