Sunday, August 4, 2024


Boy, was I tired this morning!! It was so hard to get out of bed, BUT , I needed to get ready for church and so I managed. Tony was pretty tired as well. It was Fast Sunday so didn't have to worry about eating breakfast. SO, once dressed and ready to go.....

I grabbed my book and read until it was time to go pick up the ladies. It's getting to be a real page turner!! Church was so good! My heart was so touched by Chabuca Bishop. She came from Venezuela. I remember when her husband was 1st in our ward and talking about how he was trying to get her out of Venezuela. He finally managed, but she and her two children had some pretty scary times before it came to pass.  Her English is getting pretty good, and she bore her testimony, but she had her husband translate for her. She started in English but she said in order to express her emotions about how she feels, she needed to speak her native language. It was beautiful! She has lost several relatives in the horrible things that are going on in her country. Murdered, if you don't vote like the tyrants want you to. She has been sharing her love of the temple and her testimony with her relatives and has been given permission to do their temple work after they are gone. AND, several have been killed. It was heart wrenching to listen to her but the Spirit was so strong. How grateful I am to know the work continues on the other side of the vale. Christ's Infinite Atonement is so wonderful and the hope it gives to us here is an incredible gift. I am so thankful for my testimony of the gospel.

After church, we went home and I got my yams out of the oven. We picked up Joyce and went to Lynn's. She made salmon and some shrimp. Joyce made a fresh strawberry pie. After dinner, we watched Come Follow Up and then we played games. Tony had a Priesthood meeting at 4 and I planned on picking up Jenni and going to the hospital in Boise to see Anna and Kodi. 

HOWEVER, after I picked up Jenni, I got a text from Anna. She said Kodi was just out of surgery. At one point , he quit breathing and they had to get him back on oxygen. She said he is very fragile right now and although she wanted to see us, she said it might be best if we waited till another day. I totally understood. I asked Jenni if it would be OK if we stopped at Scott & Jills to wish Jill a Happy Birthday.  We didn't stay too long and then I took Jenni home. Since Tony was still in his meeting, I went to visit Robin. She was pleasant and we had a nice visit. I stayed till 6:15 then came home. Tony, John Hobbs and Steve Adamson were still here but they finished up  shortly after I got home. I got back to my book until Tony wanted to watch TV.   Now, it's time for bed. Gotta get up early to mow before it gets super hot again . I'm looking forward to Fall! lol

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