Friday, August 23, 2024


I slept so CRAPPY last night!! I don't know why but finally after our music went off and I was still wide awake, I got up and went downstairs to read. I read till 4:30 this morning and then Tony woke me up at 8:30 to go to the gym. I almost didn't go.

We met Deedra and Garrett and we  had a couple of tickets so they could get in. Garrett is taking a exercise class and has to record all he does. SO, last night he watched a movie and rode Gramma's elliptical machine the entire 2 and 1/2 hours. He walked 2 miles with me and Deedra and then while Deedra and I got on the elliptical machine, he walked the treadmill right next to us. I got a picture of Tony and the kids inside because he still had his stretches to do.

The three of us went outside and I got a lady to take our picture before Deedra took Garrett to his orthodontist appointment.

After which, they went shopping.

We came home and I worked on the card kits for the RS class I have to teach in September. Tony cleaned out the filters on the sprinkler system, and our grass FINALLY got a good drink of water. It was getting dry and I kept telling Tony it was not looking good.  It's amazing what a little water can do! Liquid of the God's! Deedra called us after she finished shopping and packing up at Grandma's, and we met at TACO BELL for lunch.

After eating, I took a picture of them before she and Garrett headed home.
Then Tony and I traded places, and I got in the picture. Hope they have a good trip home, and we'll see them in 4 weeks when they come for another orthodontist appointment, and when Livie takes out her endowment. It's been a good day! Now back to working on the card kits. Will be glad when that class is over.

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