Wednesday, September 4, 2024


It was a wonderful day! Tony tried to make appointments for us last week for baptisms again but on Wednesday this time. The earliest we could do an endowment was 1 o'clock. SO, we scheduled the baptisms for 2:30 and 3PM. We did our endowment session and then Tony and I hurried down and changed our clothes. We were in the font by 2:30. We got all 71 baptisms done and then we did the confirmations and were out a little after 3.
While Tony was getting baptized for the males, I had time to blow my hair dry and curl it a bit. SO, I was decent for a picture. lol Counting the endowments, the baptisms and the confirmations, we did 147 ordinances today. HAPPY ANCESTORS!~

I took 2 pictures so I could get a little closer to them, and ................

SO I could get the top of the temple!!  Men don't think of things like that! lol  We left the temple and we told Tony he could pick the place to eat. He chose THE HABIT!

Joyce has to have her Ice-cream. She got a cone, even before her meal was delivered.! lol How she stays so thin is beyond me!! lol

It was a good day. I got a call from Alice again today when I got home. She sure enjoys calling on Charlotte's watch. It's funny cuz I have a hard time understanding her but I love to hear from them.  Now, I have a R.S. Presidency meeting at my house at 6:30. I hope it goes well. Sister Vickie Greggerson (the Stake RS President) is coming to our meeting!! I guess Conner Preece has company coming over to Jenni's house so she wanted to see if I would host it.

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