Thursday, June 29, 2017


Our backdoor has been rotting out because the water doesn't drain from the metal track.  We've had a door on order for a long time and it seems like it's taken forever to get it!!

Its so ugly and we we were afraid the rot had seped into the floor surface inside the house!  YIKES, I hope not!!

Finally, our builder called us and said the door was in and we could have it installed on Wednesday the 21st!!  YEHAW, that's all the excuse I needed to take a day off!  lol
Brett came at 7:30 Wednesday and he was alone. He said his two helpers both called in sick. BUT, he managed and it looks great, now to get it painted! AND the good thing was it had not worked it's way into our floor!  YAY!~

Then on Thursday, I get a call from the curbing man we had called and he said he was going to be at out home around 2:30 or 3PM. He was fitting us in between jobs so we really didn't know when he would show up. It just so happened he was able to Thursday and Nancy was at Home Style doing evaluations. I texted her and said I had to leave promptly at 3:30 because the water was on and they needed it off. I took off at 3:30 and was home in 5 minutes. I shut the water off and the guys were nearly done already! It goes fast. I watched them work and it was really interesting.

Then after letting it cure a good week, Tony and I laid down some dirt and a weed barrier and then put the rock back. This Saturday, we are going to Meridian to get a couple of loads of new rock because we don't have nearly enough. Tony is going to put the bench back together tonight after work and put it around the tree. again.  The yard is slowly coming back together.

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