Saturday, January 14, 2023


Went to bed at 9:30 last night. Woke up at 12:15 to use the bathroom. Then I couldn't go back to sleep! My FITBIT shows I got 2 hours and 20 minutes of sleep!

So, I started a new book and thought I'd get tired reading , BUT nooooooo! I was still reading when Tony came down to eat and go to our Temple shift at 4:30. I went upstairs, dressed and put some more cards together. Gotta do something!

It's a fun way to use up scraps. I ordered a quilt type die and am excited to get it as I can do squares with scraps then. 

Scott came to visit me today (bless his heart) I'm so glad as Tony is gone quite a bit and I get a little lonely sometimes. We had a good visit and when he left I sent him home with cookies I was baking..... Afterall, when your up at all hours of the night, ya have to do something! lol After Scott left, I went back up and put another card together.  Still have lots of strips left so should get several more finished. 

I use the strips of DSP , a tag and some ribbon. Tony got home around noon and then changed and went to his mom's to help her with some finance problems. He walked over and after he's been there for quite a while, I called him to tell him I'd just heard from Deedra. They left at 8am this morning and had just got over the Blues! She was pulling the Van too.  BRAVE GIRL!~  He said they were done and he'd be home soon.

I had 3 tortilla's left and I had made some pizza sauce this morning. So I made some tortilla pizza pockets for lunch. It said to cook them on low and make sure the cheeses' had time to melt without burning. I put sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni and cooked bacon on them. They were looking ready so I called Tony and asked if he was almost home...... but he'd gone to COSTCO with his mom to get ink for her printer. I had to turn off the pan, put a lid on it and wait for them to get home. Lynn came in and ate with us. I was glad I'd had 3 left!! They ended up being a little more done than I wanted but they were still good! At  least I liked them. 

Then I served COWBOY COOKIES! Which are actually delicious!! This recipe is a keeper in my estimation!! Now, just relaxing a bit. Maybe I can fall asleep to some TV show. lol

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