Saturday, January 21, 2023


I had an absolutely HORRIBLE NIGHT'S SLEEP !  Actually, I wouldn't call 2 1/2 hours, a nights sleep! It was more like an NAP!!  I slept from 8:30 to 10PM then woke up. Read till 1:21 and then went back to sleep till 3:26!  UP FOR THE DAY!!  It is soooo frustrating! 

I really wasn't overthinking, I was just AWAKE!! When awake, I read, I listened to a BYU talk that Lorie sent to me, and I played on my phone. Saving ideas to Pinterest etc!! 
Tony came down and ready to to go to the temple at 4:30. He told me about his crazy dreams while he ate a bowl of cereal.  lol After he took off, I emptied my dishwasher and then made myself some breakfast!

I have had a crazy craving for celery sticks and peanut butter this go round with the Prednisone. Last time I was on it, I craved cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. So weird! But, It was soooo good! I read my book while I ate and then took my pills! I then went up and took a shower and got dressed for the day!

I worked on some cards with the scraps while my hair was drying!

I made six Birthday cards!



After the six, I was tired and came back down to read! I was asked by Shelly Hughes (our Ward Historian) if I would share what's been happening in my life and my testimony for the Ward history. I wasn't sure if this was appropriate but I sent it to her and she wrote back that I was spot on and exactly what she wanted. She said the church has asked that they get more personal stories from the Ward members. So I sent her this.

It's hard to read but I'm glad I was able to help her out. It's nice to know I'll be in the church history!  lol

Traci and Andrew came to visit me today! I was sooooo excited to see them! I wish they'd come more often!

Andrew is getting so tall! He's in 9th grade now!!

My word!!  I'm shorter than all my kids now and most of my grandkids! I'm going the opposite direction! 

AND that FACE!! 
At least I have pretty kids!!

Traci made me a charcuterie board out of Olive wood! It's beautiful. Her friend has a laser cutter !

So she engraved NORTON on it but she said that the Olive wood is so hard that it doesn't show up as well as it did on the bamboo one's she made. She said I might try putting a darker stain on the NORTON and see if it shows up better. I love it!

She got Tony two books, (Which I will enjoy! lol) I love the Bill O'Reilly books!  Now I've got to hurry and finish the TIME series I'm reading now, so I can get on to these! lol More than half way through the one I started yesterday. They are pretty darn interesting!
Tony got home and changed and then we ate a salad and a sandwich.
He was reading the paper and me my book when he decided to call his mom to see how she was doing. She said she needed a Z PAC so Tony went to take her to Quick care. They did an X ray to make sure she doesn't have pneumonia. Then they went to COSTCO to wait for the test results and get the prescription.  The doctor called and said she didn't have pneumonia but her oxygen was low. Gave her some breathing exercises and gave her a prescription for some cough pills. Tony didn't get back home till 6:30. He's working on his puzzle now while we watch some BLUE BLOODS.  I decided to finish this and then I'm gonna put my PJ's on and hopefully fall asleep right here and now! lol

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