Friday, January 20, 2023


After reading last night and saying our prayers, Tony went up to bed. I still wasn't able to fall asleep, although the doctor told me yesterday to take my magnesium at night instead of in the morning like I was doing. She said they didn't want me to take Ambien but to just take the melatonin and the magnesium and that should help and be safer. So I did! I typed my mom a letter and then I finished my last book so I started the sequel.
I didn't even make it through the 1st chapter and had to quit as I couldn't keep my eyes open.  HOWEVER, I still woke up at 4am so only got 4 hours of sleep as I didn't fall off till 11:30. Had to get up a couple of times to pee cuz I'm drinking like a fish. lol 

So when I woke up this morning, I decided I needed to devote some time to the scriptures. I love the little speaker that Tony bought me as I can listen to the reader through it and follow along. I read till Tony came down around 8. I did get a message from Mary (the gal I made the card order for) and she asked me if I could take off the KJV on the bottom of the sentiment. She said it wasn't from the King James Version.  WHAT??   I told her NO, they were done and I'd done just as she said. I told her she could buy white out and mark out the KJV.  SORRY!~
Anyway, she said it was ok and she would still pay me the $15 dollars! lol  Well yeah! I'm not doing it for free. 
Anyway, I texted my family and told them what was going on with me and then went back to my scriptures and read till Tony came down at 8am to head to the gym. At that time I came upstairs, dressed and then decided to work in the craft room.

I had a bunch of pre-folded cards and decided to cut some more scraps and make another few cards. Wanna get rid of the scraps so I can make room for more paper!  lol

NOPE!  Made one and messed it up! Will try again after breakfast. For one thing, the paper didn't line up like it was supposed to and then I got ink on the sentiment and had to cover it up with a flower. Just won't do. lol

BETTER, I'll go with this one till I figure things out on the other!  lol

Well, I'm done for now. I have to fix the card I did for Mary after all. I put "is" in the text and it's not supposed to be there. Grrrrrr

I got them fixed!!  It's such a small error, I didn't even notice!! I put in JESUS CHRIST IS and she didn't want the is in there !!

And she wanted a space between to day and for ever!!!
Oh Brother!! I don't think I'll make any more cards for her. She is so stinking picky!!  I had ordered Christian dies when I got her 1st order and she didn't like one because it had the crown of thorns on the Saviors head but she was OK with the cross.  I give up!!
I'M DONE FOR THE DAY.....gonna go read!

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