Sunday, January 29, 2023


It snowed last night before we went to bed. We were expecting more but when I got up this morning, there was no more. 

BUT, it was darn cold out and stayed that way all day. We had the heater in the back room on most of the day. We watched 
and then Tony gave me the sacrament. Then we watched UNSPOKEN and then it was time for Tony to pick up Joyce and head to choir practice. Lynn stayed home again today as her cough was bad again. 

I watched Sacrament meeting on Zoom again today. Sister Boyer and her son David sang a musical number. It was really pretty. The speakers were 3 youth. One talked about the temple trip they took to Utah to do baptism's and see some sites. The other two spoke about Seminary. Then Brother Felix (1st   counselor)  in our New Stake Presidency was the concluding speaker. It was a good meeting.  Tony didn't get home till 4:30 as he stopped at his mom's and gave her the Sacrament as well. Then he helped her with a few things in her kitchen. When he hot home, I fixed us TACO SALAD for dinner and we finished watching UNSHAKEN. We just relaxed the rest of the day. I'm going to try sleeping in bed tonight. I have been able to get more sleep the last few nights so I'm hoping I can stay in bed till 6 or so. Anyway, we are going to read our scriptures and the lesson for next Sunday and then lights out!!

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