Monday, January 30, 2023


I slept in my own bed last night!!  I slept good too! I was having a hard time breathing a bit. Well, lets say I was breathing heavy. My nose seemed very plugged. Tony said he was about to tap me but I finally settled down. lol I slept from 10 till 7:20!!  It was great!! Things are improving. I am down to 15 milligrams of Prednisone starting today for 2 weeks. Then it'll go gown again!  YAY!~
I had a dentist appointment at 2PM today so Tony went to the gym and then picked me up and took me to the dentist and he went to the store to pick up some groceries while I got my teeth fixed. The dentist appointment was great! Dr. Hammer worked on me and fixed the 2 teeth I chipped when I fell down the stairs and broke my wrists. There was also a small cavity in a front tooth that he repaired. I felt NO PAIN through the entire process. I even got 3 shots in the upper front of my mouth and although it was a wee bit uncomfortable, it didn't really hurt at all! I was a happy camper! He asked me what I was using on my cold sores! I have several on my lips right now. I pulled out my Herpecin L and he said, "I'll write you a prescription for something that is much better!! He said he gets cold sores as well and this pill was the best stuff he's found so far. 
So after Tony picked me up, we headed to Costco for the prescription. I told Tony, "It seems like the only thing I do anymore, is go to Dr. appointments and get drugs!" That's my life right now!!  We came home and I made  chicken enchiladas for dinner and we ate around 5. Kinda late for us but it is what it is. lol

Then I took my vitamins for the day and the 2 BIG BLUE pills are the ones for the cold sores. I take another two in 12 hours and then I should be least till I start to get more. The Herprcin L was working really good for me until I got the auto immune disorder.  Now, it doesn't stop them at all. I just get rid of one and another pops  out. The one is my nose will not go away!! The doctor said it's due to the crap that's going on in my body right now. 
What's a girl to do??

After we ate, we watched TV, and I worked on a few scraps I had left on my table. Made 3 cards but they need a sentiment. Will do it tomorrow. I finished my last book in the Time Travel series! Seriously so good....except for the occasional language she threw in. I could have lived without that!

I'm starting on the two Traci gave to Tony. lol I like these so excited to get reading.... tomorrow.  I do have to go get a mammogram tomorrow at 11 in the morning so I'll bring my book cuz I know I'll have to do some waiting. Anyway, headed to bed. Will read our scriptures, and hopefully get another goodnights rest!!

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