Wednesday, January 11, 2023


I SLEPT GOOD LAST NIGHT!!  I was so happy when I woke up at 6:20 and found I had slept a good 6 hours and 20 minutes!!  I got an 81 sleep score! YAY!~ I read my book till Tony came down at 7 and left for the gym. 

It was very foggy out this morning. I went up and dressed and did my hair and got ready for my doctor appointment at 11AM.

Then I decided to try another new stamp I got from Ali Express. It's 4 cute swim suits.

I  also got an new embossing folder so I embossed some yellow paper and cut squares out of it. 

I made a long card and it's OK but I think I'll try circles and a regular size card on the next one. I stamped the inside and made a mess (Kinda ) of it. The stamp moved and it's a bit blurry. Better luck on the next one. Later........

I then wrapped a necklace up for Deedra's birthday. She'll be in Washington on her birthday so I wanted to take it to her after my doctor appointment. We left at 10:40 to Dr, Hansen. He looked over my latest charts and reassured me that things were improving but still have a ways to go. We were surprised to hear that my kidney function has been bad for a few years now, according to the tests. Had no idea!! I still have some issues but he is like Dr. Keller and thinks the next Rituxan drip will help significantly.  He said as far as the immune system goes, I will probably have a low immune for quite a while because the med's I am on  are Immune suppressants,  thus I will still have to be careful. I am anxious to talk to Dr. Keller next week as well. I want and need to get back to activity. The prednisone is making me FAT again. I hate it but I'm glad it has taken away the inflammation in my lungs and the blisters are almost all gone. I guess I have to take the good with the bad.

When we left his office, we went to  Deedra's. Today will be the last time I see her for a while. SO, I had to get some pictures!!

See, my face is ballooning well as the rest of me!

One last of Deedra's GOOD HUGS!! 
She give's the BEST HUGS!!

She opened her gift! A Tree of Life necklace!
Tony was going to take me home before his haircut with Melissa but she called and said she could take him immediately so to come on over. It worked out fine because her shop is close to where we were. I waited in the car and read my book. When they finished, she walked out with Tony and gave us some of her business cards for us to hand out. It was a beautiful day now. Fog all burned off and sunny! So I got a picture!!

She love's her job and I'm anxious to go see her when I'm better.


On the way home, I said...
"Let's go to Wendy's for lunch." 
Heather gave us a gift card and I was anxious to see if they still had the TACO SALAD that I loved so much a long time ago. Haven't had one in a long time and I was in the mood! They still had it and it was as good as I remember!! Mmmmm!  I like this even better than the Chicken Caesar from THE HABIT!!  and I like that one!  lol
Tony dropped me off and he is now at his dermatology appointment. I'm cold for some reason, so I've got myself under my favorite blanket with the fireplace on and gonna finish my book! 
Nice to get out a little bit!

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