Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Woke upbnat 2:30 this morning. SO, I did two loads of laundry and read my book till 4:30. Then I fell back to sleep till Tony came down at 8. He and Lynn and Joyce went to the temple and I went up to shower and dress. While I was waiting for my hair to dry, I sat down at my desk in the craft room . I decided to cut out 6 more cards and all the parts. I stamped the daisy's and stems  and got them all cut out as well as the red, white & pink pieces, while listening to a POD CAST by Paul Cardall. It was very interesting. He was interviewing a man who had been a Porn Star turned Pastor. It was inspiring. There is hope for anyone who wants help and turns to the Lord. 

Then I used my stencil on the red strips and started the  assembly. I got a call from my friend Allisa Boyer and we talked for a good  hour. I continued working on the cards while we visited. I can multi-task! lol

So once our phone call was finished, I was done with the cards. 
Then I went and did my hair and put on a face. I then went down and had some breakfast and read some of my book. I got a call from JoDell and we were on the phone for a good hour when
Tony called me. He and Lynn and Joyce were on their way home. He told me that the Sugg's (who were going to come visit me today) called him and said Chris came down with a cold so they were just gonna stop by but not stay. He thought he'd be home before they came but they beat him here. 
I met them at the front door. They were wearing masks and wouldn't come in (which I was grateful for) but they dropped off a get well card and a beautiful Bamboo plant. So sweet of them. We promised to get together once I am better. Tony got home and changed his clothes. He was waiting for Jeff and Cynthia to show up and pick up some things he left in our car when they went to Lewiston. He wanted to go to the gym to walk his laps. We started watching a TV show and after an hour he said, "I'm just gonna hang his things in a bag on the front door."  so I can go to the gym. As he opened the front door, they were there. lol So they came in and visited for about 15 minutes.

Cynthia dropped off 5 more books for me to read. Man, I've got to start reading 24/7 if I'm gonna get done with all these. lol especially since I'm reading a 2 book series right now and I'm only on the 1st book. 

She also dropped off this one and said it was a quick read. SO, when I'm done with the CENTAUR books I'm reading right now. I read this one and then start on the other four. It's been a busy day with lots going on. I'm gonna get ready for bed, do our scripture reading and hopefully get a good nights sleep! 

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